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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. well if stubbornness or ignorance were a virtue you'd be a saint, colin
  2. not sure "reassurance" has the best connotation, nut maybe "realisation"?
  3. i thought the video was fairly conclusive gv one view clearly showed the stumps lighting up millisecs (couple of inches) before the ball (might) have hit the stumps the conclusion being that his foot made contact with the base of the stumps first those last two overs had everything
  4. lets agree to disagree then dr john there has been more than enough arguments of the irish "troubles" and i don't feel inclined to add any more except to add that the central issues imo are irish nationalism reunification of ireland removal of the "hated" english hegemony
  5. and don't forget lots of unfastened lightweight plastic chairs
  6. nice double negative pickup there ldvc.......yes, call me tweedledee if you like
  7. must have watched that 100 times and still love it cost to coast at its best
  8. you could add bulldogs and saints to that list too in recent years but it doesn't mean that there isn't a chronic un-eveness in the system and that nothing shouldn't be done about it by some indications one could conclude that the un-evenness is even increasing in the manic chase of dollars and tv dictatorship
  9. nah moonie, i think he has just gone troppo and probably morphing into a human being or ubermenschen i'm sure the lads will knock it out of him and he'll return to normal when he's back in hayseedland
  10. what struck me a lot was how hands off bails and neeld seemed to be at training...neeld more so it seems to me roos is much more hands on and involved. can only be a good thing methinks
  11. bbo, geopolitics has never been about the "everyday xxxxxxx people in their own home" but glad you are having an epiphany of sorts on your travail of the far east don't forget to visit the orangutans too
  12. i'm confused, are you talking of the traditional riff-raff, the faux riff-raff, the neo riff-raff, the hipster riff-raff or the bougoise riff-raff?
  13. just one point crompton the ira were undoubtedly catholic and the orange undoubtedly protestant. that just happened to be the demographics but i don't remember the ira ever claiming to act in the name of their (catholic) god or vice a versa likewise their actions in no way coincided (or followed) with any church dogma or doctrine the issues were not religious nor claimed to be so i don't think your analogy is apt
  14. thankyou bbo, as always a true gentleman how is your epithany coming on at the training camp?
  15. just the foibles of a common man et
  16. c'mon colin i'm yet to read an intelligent post from you yet
  17. free popcorn at half time?
  18. sheesh d-l and i had you pegged as a futon man person.....igtb
  19. and don't forget the trans-sexuals. seriously under represented here. more food for thought
  20. let's not start one of those endless arguments about the derfinition of free speech and what it means and doesn't means
  21. where have all the old fashioned godless terrorists of the left gone?
  22. interesting also did you notice this article was written in nov 2011 and not in response to recent tradgedy
  23. you have fungus on your........? yuk
  24. jack can you redo it tomorrow but this time don't use your car (or catch a bus)
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