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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. didn't know malthouse coached the hawks
  2. funny, bub how they picked the day before april fools day to announce decision surely they could have waited another day or maybe that's the day set aside for sentencing?
  3. don't use the orange ones jazza, he makes them up from some old vietnam army surplus supplies the rest he sources from someone in fiskville , so probably ok
  4. yes i heard, od. agree, complete apologist and bumbling fool. but what did you expect
  5. great times. that was when od kicked off the sexual revolution
  6. that's nice curry......did you ring the hun?
  7. that's nice maggot although we really didn't need to know, but what about dean kent
  8. what the hell, hardtack, neuter'em all
  9. not for....with
  10. having dracula or the boston strangler on would likewise get interest and reactions
  11. or....me kocks nout
  12. reknown? c'mon nut, wrong on multiple counts
  13. but last year hadn't the season already started? a lot of people traditionally sign-up at the membership tent before the game
  14. even budgies?
  15. interesting thought there d-l......desexing pet snakes....
  16. nice one, oneday. good to see you went with the home jumper
  17. as long as you are not defending the like of jacqui lambie, ricky muir etc
  18. earl, sometimes your perspicacity just knocks me out.
  19. you probably summed up the effects well, moonie but it's probably not so relevant what is rational. if the users "think" it helps them then that is probably the reality i personally couldn't rationalise the use of ice even for recreational use but it's obvious that 1,000's do
  20. i don't for a moment doubt the widespread use of ice among the young, pd, and i don't doubt they play football i merely raised the veracity of coaches supplying them to players before a game to "enhance" their performance as i said, if true, this is an appalling thing for a coach (who i assume is an adult) to do so, do you have any knowledge that some coaches are doing that
  21. i know i shouldn'nt ask, but care to expand on this?
  22. this accusation of coaches giving kids ice before games, if true, is of course quite appalling however, i'm yet to be convinced it is true if it is true why hasn't a coach been stood down and why hasn't the police charged anyone with supplying illicit drugs? again if there is some truth i'd need convincing it was more than just an isolated case with social media being what it is these things can take off like a wildfire with little basis in truth just saying
  23. i'm not following this logic at all whether the afl has made mistakes either of commission or omission is a separate issue as to them sharing culpability in a legal (and financial) sense of an individual or club's wrong doing in his employ at eesendon fc. to have any success against the afl they should have to provide evidence of the afl's direct wrong doing and how it was specific to any case in question if someone (player or club) broke an afl (and contractually accepted) rule then it is hard to hold the afl liable just because they may have been somehow lax in enforcing that rule, or anticipating some possible breach and failing to step in, all in hindsight. in hunter's case it is further difficult to discuss because we know he didn't receive an IN and we don't know his grounds for suing, only some very loose speculation.
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