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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and don't forget good old kiwi nugget
  2. and a gaytime was something you sucked....................oh wait
  3. i once worked with a guy named crapp who married a pizzey.......true
  4. choke, viewing films out of their time reminded me......... the movie that left the greatest impression on me (at the time) was the 1951 swashbuckler Horatio Hornblower. i thought it had everything. i must have seen it in about 1953/4. I can still remember it and it became the yardstick i measured subsequent films against i've never re-seen it as i didn't want to risk the possibility that it was a load of junk and ruin my memories though i did read recently that it was well received by modern critics maybe it's time to revisit it?
  5. just watched frozen and wasted 90 minutes of my life such is life
  6. yeah bugger. there are cracked fibs and cracked fibs. let's hope his is in the minor category and it's only 4 weeks great opportunity for all our midfield depth.....oh wait.....
  7. not off topic, saty, someone else brought it up don't know why you categorise zeffirelli and polanski with fellini, very different cats zeffirelli and polanski are both very talented and i generally enjoy their work despite one being a centre-right senator and the other having rolf harris moments - lol
  8. fellini is a pretentious [merchant banker] compulsory viewing for university students, the intellectual left and inmates of mental asylums
  9. surely forcing them to watch real footballers would be a cruel and unusual punishment i'm sure human rights lawyer geoffrey robertson wouldn't approve
  10. or how about the african hairy frog http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairy_Frog
  11. does a hipster toad with a moustache count?
  12. fishing for a freebie, earl? did you announce your title? we all know how the privileged aristocracy in this country work. bet you've never bought a beer or paid entrance to a nightclub
  13. c'mon ernest, since you went to the big library, there hasn't been a book written that's worth reading still, can always read the old classics i suppose
  14. get another doc, bbo. look for a doc with a blotchy red nose.
  15. actually there is negligible amounts of sugar in wine. it is converted to alcohol by fermentation in fact wine is known to lower blood sugar levels by preventing the liver from producing glucose (hypoglycaemia)
  16. don't expect a running commentary from worksafe
  17. in - winning out - losing
  18. wonder when the tribunal gives their decision on dank - hasn't seemed to garner much comment anywhere
  19. pretty impressed bbo, deliverancetown to cranberry and back in a 1953 merc
  20. 3 point game......juice running out
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