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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i'm surprised you of all people,d-l, don't remember joan's stated views on sport
  2. that sounds like something joan kirner would say it's not stretching reality much to say most supporters have been underwhelmed by dawes' on field form (regardless of how much he tries)
  3. any excuse for why we haven't won a premiership is good, od. the alternative would not be pretty
  4. collingwood calling for harsher deterrents for illicit drugs so, it was the afl's fault after all. wouldn't have happened if there was no liberal 3 strikes rule taking a leaf out of james' prayer book
  5. i wonder why nothing has come out in the press clubs are generally good with the "excuses" i think (i true) then the supporters are owed the "truth"
  6. essendon are saying they are not sure what he really supplied but are confident it couldn't have been real tb4 perfectly logical.....just like the injections
  7. it's a tough gig in the medja game gotta come up with something sensational every week to stay relevant
  8. don't know if this is a final figure, but at least we hit the 36k mark what did we end up last year with? 36002
  9. we only have their word for that, though
  10. of course they fly d-l. that's why i chose them - blues and flying - and the fact their species name is calliphora vomitoria
  11. as choke said it's not a standard or automatic 2 in a small team environment is not the same as 2 in a 44 player list so, it is an option and the figure of 2 is a minimum not an optimum
  12. 194cm midfielder pick #13 that's 6'4 1/2" on the old scale and a [censored] midfielder!
  13. greeks join in on march (wth invincibles away strip)
  14. multicultural march to the "g" (note the reverse strip)
  15. dunno about that - 27 to 19 win not bad (for a change)
  16. imagine a thread where no-one got annoyed bbo would have a breakdown
  17. or written by stuie
  18. this would be a good time for stuie to interject and give us all a good lecture on multiculturism
  19. i'd hate to think what's been around your parts, moonie
  20. must be something about m clarks
  21. another [censored] rugby game.....
  22. i expect he will dress up multiculturally i.e. probably multicringely
  23. looking at the stats it's hard to see how the bears lost that one
  24. are you assuming i'm a bastard or not a bastard? just wondering
  25. wasn't aware that drugs discriminate along cultural lines
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