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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. yeah, it always helps when you label someone for their thoughts the problem with such simplistic labels is they convey no depth or breadth to the descriptor they are just intellectually lazy
  2. players or jumpers?
  3. the audience think he is a god, rev. greater than billy graham what does that say? there again james hird was(is) a deity for the northern suburbs mob our brains are disturbed and malfunction when sport comes into things it's a consequence of the demise of organised religion (i think) you're a rev, you should understand
  4. about time
  5. bit tough there, goffy i don't agree with mono, but i admire his honesty it's also fair to acknowledge he is talking about his thoughts and not any actions no need for the thought police or a lecture. tolerance works both ways [ducking]
  6. if you mean the essendonians, then they have been mooted as a main agitator to cut hird loose bomberblitz certainly think so
  7. in that case, you are pardoned p.s. between you and me, did the same myself
  8. you watch the footy show?
  9. & neeld edit: 6 letter post and a sp error, sheesh
  10. if the economy was in great shape you might be onto something
  11. huh? like mfc that argument needs a lot more development
  12. you'd better explain for the younger members, pigdog
  13. i'll pay (up to a point) to watch
  14. not sure embrace was the most appropriate word......i have horrible visions of bbo taking it to heart how about endorse, support, encourage, promote?
  15. the more normal question you might ask of slobbo is "is he sober", that condition being more the exception than the rule
  16. don't think farcarlton will get much fta next year
  17. actually farcarlton often do all right in the first quarter then fall completely away
  18. and you'd have to be blind to agree
  19. well it is thurdaisy and no earth shattering footy revelations i'm disappointed, wtf are the media doing? surely they could manufacture a good story here's something to cheer y'all
  20. pure gold
  21. nah, don't want wallace. over the hill
  22. rest him during the week fcs farcarlton will be a doddle for him, won't raise a sweat rest him against the big boys freemantle (and no tiring plane trip) cherry ripe for gws
  23. so was it jw's fault after all....or not? about the essendon stuff i mean.....
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