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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. somehow i (personally) don't think so. more a gut feeling though but given the structure of their own punishment rules i'm not sure they have too much room to move within of course this assumes they find for guilt. i think they will, but i'm not as confident as some others
  2. seems again that ground curators are determined to kill off test cricket i can't believe they have just lost the art of preparing test wickets
  3. there is no doubt iva, without positive doping tests the evidence is circumstantial i think the evidence is compelling and fits within wada's comfortable satisfaction criteria you obviously demand a higher standard of proof and seem to be also swayed by sympathy towards the players which i think is more a question of punishment rather than of guilt. we'll have to agree to disagree
  4. apart from university
  5. i think it includes an "until death do us part" clause
  6. ffs stuie, stop chewing the bone and learn to listen. you have a real problem and p.s. you don't have to respond to every post, most of us understand your position on this incident
  7. i don't think it shows anything clearly and i'm surprised you claim it did it also has no chronological context. i.e. was the filmed at start, middle, end of confrontation
  8. in fairness, bd, i don't think people were necessarily advocating "see nothing, do nothing". i took it as posters discussing options. i don't think the victorian police force would generally recommend a female approach a drunken heavily built male with a reputation, in a bar and try and chastise him. they would probably recommend an alternative course of action having said that, i admire her balls and concern for what what she did even if i wouldn't recommend it. she certainly didn't do anything wrong
  9. given you like facts, stuie, do you have any evidence martin is a part owner of mr myagi restaurant/bar, other than one anonymous forum post which was second hand at best? i did a bitter of googling and couldn't find any other references. if true you'd think the media would be all over it
  10. it certainly might be the practice and the instructions,bd, but i'm not sure it is the law
  11. well it did occur to me adc that for someone knowing who he is, knowing he was drunk and potentially more, to watlz up to the imposing 187cm, 93kg martin with a bad boy rep and start "chastising" him was either an extraordinary ballsy act or an incredibly dumb one still, no excuse for martin's behaviour
  12. no chance it's the manual part i struggle with, plus it would require the use of two fingers......far too much complication
  13. ah, i can see why you like lamb, Krystofyer or do you prefer-Кристофер
  14. ok chris, as you are sick of latin, how about η άγνοια του νόμου δεν αποτελεί δικαιολογία
  15. jane i'm surprised the police don't seem to be proactive in this case without waiting for a complaint after all they are running a campaign against violence towards women and making a lot of public statements. now when they have an opportunity to change words to deeds they have gone all lead-footed maybe i misjudge them and they are in fact doing something behind the scenes that will be soon revealed, but i'm not holding my breath
  16. can't see that (and certainly not as a minimum) if richmond were thinking something in this order then they may as well sack him.......which is a valid option in this case given previous indiscretions and warnings but i don't think richmond will hit him anywhere near that hard. should find out by weekend anyway
  17. 1 murder male or female is definitely too many but i must have missed something. did martin murder someone?
  18. that sounds highly emprobable, bj. but just for you i will attempt to use the greater variant in future
  19. here is the rules. seems you can AFL general counsel Andrew Dillon said the following rules would govern trading of future draft picks: - Clubs can trade one year in the future only. - Clubs must make at least two first-round selections in each four-year period. If they don't, they will face restrictions from trading any further first-round draft picks. - If a club trades a future first-round selection, it may not trade any other future selection from that same draft. But if a club keeps its future first-round selection, it can trade any of its future selections from other rounds.
  20. we can still use another future round 1 pick if need be and if they want points for an academy hot shot there are other means
  21. when they bypassed him he should have walked
  22. funny thing today normally when i click on an imbedded link it fires up in a new tab. when i've read it i cancel the tab and go back to original demonland tab one post today had an imbedded link and when i clicked it it opened in the current tab (which i didn't realise). as usual i closed the tab when finished with it and hence lost demonland only happened the once. no biggy, but just thought i'd mention it
  23. anyway, tsfka, thanks for all the extra info and a bit of context despite stuie's moral coaching, we are adult enough to form our own opinions
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