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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. this is just a throwaway line which could be said about any star player at another club where there is the slightest whiff of indecision nobody has come up though with any specific hawks-wines connection
  2. maybe it is a portent for the arrival of a new messiah? god must be pretty annoyed with the pharisees of jerusalem, the cardinals of rome and the mullahs of mecca
  3. it certainly clashes with good taste, but
  4. history buffs might find this article amusing. i'm sure prodee will - lol http://notrickszone.com/2012/04/10/news-magazine-focus-writes-on-the-german-green-movements-very-brown-roots/#sthash.XYJrGdso.dpbs
  5. reckon you might be right. but i notice it has changed since i first posted......sneaky buggers
  6. yup, couldn't agree more binman. just pure mean-spirited churlishness
  7. saw the new silhouettes on the banner so i'll have a stab jonesy ? ? viney gus guessing the b&f and the rising-star should be there but not sure from silhouettes
  8. now this is odd when i first saw your post it just showed the link like in my quote to you now when i roll back to your post the video is imbedded.........how did that happen....did you edit it? i try again with a few tests wow....now it works................thanks
  9. yeah, i know that, but it doesn't imbed the video into the post, like it did before the update. just places the link into the post like above
  10. how does one insert media such as youtube. the "insert other media" tag is just for pics (at least for me)
  11. talking of felling forests
  12. right-i-o, so it is jonesy's fault we have been down the bottom for so long....fms your hyperbole is unfairly harsh on jones
  13. it is........but so is anything oversized
  14. tell me that's not true
  15. the second i first heard of him i knew we had a player not a bad footballer either
  16. well, while at the afl he had a lot of experience in how to bleed public money from various governments. just a continuation of feeding from the trough the amount of money the afl (and it's components) get direct from governments is a disgrace considering they are one of the most financially successful sports organisations in the country
  17. i wouldn't be surprised either that as the membership no. increases the average spend decreases simply because the big ticket menberships would be the long term regulars. also as the numbers get higher and the cutoff date closer they start marketing the low value memberships more
  18. it would be funny if the 300k fine was per breach or per employee injected.........now how many injections were there?
  19. not sure maybe the annual report might list membership income as an item. this could help to estimate an average, though you would need a good understanding of what such an entry actually means. accountants can be tricky alternatively you could ask the club (ours i mean, which would still be somewhat indicative)
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