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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. fortunately he hasn't been racking up big numbers this year. i suggest all the players talk to him with a kiwi accent to confuse him
  2. well all the ways of scoring are equally valid scores in the rules of the game. i still can't see the issue
  3. i wasn't attempting to multiply the odds. i'm just saying both teams still being tied after another 10 minutes greatly increases the odds
  4. freudian slip, corrected to 66. for the life of me i don't get this concern over golden score and why it has to be a goal anyway, remember it's very unlikely to happen, requiring a double tie
  5. use your imagination bjd, free your mind.
  6. can't see any reason why club would keep it a secret though
  7. what? like breen in saints only premiership win in 1966. thrilling stuff
  8. what? like breen in saints only premiership win in 1964. thrilling stuff
  9. martin is probably the hardest guy to tackle in the comp....good luck
  10. i went to the lost dog home once to see if they had any cavaliers to rehome, but the guy just said sorry caveat emptor
  11. that was too hard for them od, specially when their main contingency plan was to do a deal
  12. gives the afl some publicity for another week, od. but seriously, they still do have to make contingency plans if they keep a draw and that can get complicated.
  13. i can see that both the action and outcome should be considered with a bit of common sense applied.......but who'd trust the mrp with common sense
  14. maybe more because the bad record penalty is a % so it could have been 3 weeks more (2 +1)?
  15. they also said it helped that stef passed a concussion test this week and will probably play next week fwiw
  16. apparently not (according to ch9)
  17. next score after being tied twice (normal end and after 2x5 mins) seems perfectly fair. unlikely to be tied twice anyway. after 2nd tie should be a siren then ball back to centre bounce as with tie at normal time
  18. as good a place as any to spend your millions. highest cost of living in the us iirc
  19. 6 weeks down to 5 weeks for being remorseful (that's a new one)
  20. he has a house in hawaii. ut i think he only plans living there for half the year
  21. did they say anything about a short break for the coach(es) to address them?
  22. i can take it or leave it i used to be in favour of the rematch, but since they brought in draw-breakers for the other finals matches i guess it's more consistent i wonder if the next step will be home and away draw-breakers?
  23. yeah nut, his outside (the club) game is where he really gets his hands dirty
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