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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. yeah, they won't play both of maric and richo's look-alike
  2. probably trying to clear bits of beard and other detritus from his throat. real life hipster problem
  3. you mean rob petracca's brother? great news
  4. it's not a total change of mindset for the players. same exact situation in a regular game if you were a point up (or drawn) and only seconds to play
  5. is TFS the right wing version of Q&A?
  6. given your intentions biffo, even john howard would approve
  7. well picked up nut. i realised i got my villains mixed up just after i posted and hoped no-one noticed you win the demonland eagle-eye award for the week (although for all we know purple could be a closet boozer)
  8. definitely a tough call. glad it's not me. just have to have faith the selection committee know best think jeffy may still be borderline but hope he is ok to go
  9. yeah, don't like the idea of no siren unless they have some other indication for players. would prefer siren with ball coming back to a new centre bounce. maybe a 2-5 minute break to discuss tactics and just draw (npi) out the suspense
  10. yeah, fend-off or stiff-arm or push-off
  11. why do we always waste time discussing duhwayne's look at moi dribblings? who really gives a fig?
  12. "He’s probably looking at a month at least" Is that Misson talk for half a season?
  13. bad stats jnr. you can't just select certain games and anyway the sample is too low. a game is a game is a game and d4l did a good job getting better stats. i'll stick with his 0.6% chance for a drawn gf. but yes, we could get 3 drawn gf's in a row. it's just much longer odds. besides i'd never trust anything out of qld
  14. well i haven't seen anyone before catch martin's don't argue, so good luck with that
  15. haven't seen strong wind at the G since when they were rebuilding the northern stand
  16. outstanding research d4l. i hope you found a tally somewhere and didn't have to trawl year by year - lol
  17. probably less than 2.5% d4l. there are 198 + 7 games every year, and if we assume 2 draws on average (guess) per year then that is about 1% and that may be a touch high
  18. who ever wins by whatever tie-breaking methodology, it will still create great controversy argued at water coolers and pubs for decades to come nothing changes in football
  19. t'is a mystery
  20. probably waiting for those members who microwaved their cards after the essendrug game to buy replacements
  21. debatable - depends if he meant a french loan word in english or if was attempting french directly
  22. i still like dee-fer, kind of an appealing double entendre
  23. whether a golden point or a golden goal, yes i agree there will probably be a rolling maul. whoever gets the ball out of the centre bounce will have a distinct advantage. continuous 5+5 segments certainly has some appeal but at some stage you have to have a deal breaker. the argument then becomes how many extra minutes can you expect the players to sustain. the medicos and the players would need to have an agreement on this. remember too the 5+5 minutes is actual play, not elapsed time, so 10 minutes is equivalent to half a quarter and therefore 12.5% extra time. if you double-up this just once you are up to 25% extra. i think they have probably got it just about right
  24. i suspect the oh&s is the main reason for putting a limit on it did you see how much of a break there would be before the first 5 mins? and any break before the second 5 mins? breaks would add to the tension, excitement
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