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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. i wouldn't assume the fttn used in canberra years again to be the same as that rolled out tomorrow. anyway, from what i see they plan to use more of the hfc nodes with coax than fttn with short haul copper. the technology of the various components is changing as the rollout continues
  2. and next week when they drop them, they will be wittless and coxless which will restore reality to colonwood
  3. thanks choke. have you exceeded your 500gb in a month yet? with all your concurrent streaming looks like you could exceed quota
  4. you don't sound too confident about that
  5. of course, fttp is the rolls royce if you can afford the top tiers btw which tier did you take and what do you pay your provider per month (not counting add-ons like netflix etc)?
  6. that may be, but whatever, the higher speeds wiil (should) always be dearer than the lower tiers, and many people will decide with their hip pocket in 10 years time......who knows.....but expect prices to reduce, although the nbnco would still have to try and recoup their investment costs which were initially grossly under-quoted and are more likely to continue to increase. but hey, it's only our money, right?
  7. yes, monday is a long way off
  8. i know it was your last post on this matter but you are quite wrong FTTN is NOT more or less what we had (adsl) and it is NOT by any stretch limited to only 24mb/s. It is FAR superior to adsl in performance. jnr is also right when he states that with the existing FTTP connections VERY FEW customers are signing up for the highest speeds. ie they are signing up for lower speeds (mainly but not not only because they do not want to pay the higher charges for the top tiers)
  9. there would still be interest for 3-game memberships. there are 4 home mcg games to go (and 1 replacement home game round 22 v carlton)
  10. tyson was there on the wing. i think you got blinded when you saw oscar's name
  11. the one on his hand i presume
  12. 50/50 only means that today he is a 50% chance to be 100% (or close to) by monday. today he is probably 100% to be at least 80% by monday clear as mud eh?
  13. but he is (very much) left handed, lh, with a high % of handballs
  14. must have been the 4 to 2. that's a new one for misson
  15. i dunno r&b, uncle bitters is known for his seamanship, or at least he told me so or words to that effect
  16. he doesn't need to, picket. bbo is a real-life walking reality show himself. bbo is to reality what jack viney is to toughness
  17. i like apples, bub, but they can't hold a candle to the banana. just like upstairs, downstairs apples need to know their place.
  18. well, it is obviously insulting to be pictured with a common apple. or was that your misguided intent?
  19. then you need a new vet "whatever it takes"
  20. let's see if he can string together 2 wins in a row, red
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