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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. jordan (river flows to ocean)
  2. he says "yet remains ocean bound". note he doesn't say "is/was/will be ocean bound" this implies something about the player is related to the ocean rather than the existing club
  3. no doubt about it. and it was interesting how little flack he received over it. probably because the melbourne press didn't want an all sydney final and the dogs were such an emotional pull at the time. stevie was a lucky boy.
  4. patience grasshopper. mahoney knows what he's doing
  5. thought you were joking........apparently not Xaviar Black Balisong Butterfly Knife - Black Plain
  6. was prestia traded yet? and what about delidio?
  7. if it is you still have to explain the riddle
  8. and jarman
  9. all this denying means that it's a sure thing
  10. so which of those clubs could offer us a ruck/fwd to support maxy?
  11. Dog's Gordon takes a whack at AFL Cover-up Integrity Unit http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/western-bulldogs-savage-afl-over-alleged-talia-leak/news-story/13151999cb4f0e8872c92432d0309b93
  12. or salem > sail-em > ocean-bound christian > angel > wings as for butter > ?
  13. hope we play whorethorn twice next year again
  14. jordan lewis (gold[butter], wings - hawthorn) (jordan river - running to sea)
  15. macca, you have to balance that against the fact that hawthorn are only offering a year by year contract and at a below market value. so the reality is that hawthorn don't value him that highly based on what sort of contract they offer. can't have your cake and eat it
  16. professional taster
  17. there is nothing fixed. it varies by club, coach and year by year players will get some input. how much will be determined by coach/fd
  18. pick 66 sounds a good demon number. could be an omen sign the deal at 6:6:6 pm monday
  19. welly purely hypothetically, both
  20. get it done
  21. still wouldn't matter. wada rules are that guilty players should lose awards and prizes for period of offence. jobe should lose brownlow not because of "fairest and best" afl rules but because of wada guilty rules. if it was "best" only he would still have brownlow stripped
  22. *rumour *mongering
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