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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. judging by the video of the boys at the airport, it looks like they went up there to play golf
  2. i prefer aztec or mayan cofee, earl. it's worth the sacrifice.
  3. i think john kennedy snr had the answer
  4. except against essendrugs, carlscum and colonwood in particular
  5. agreed george watching the 99 mfc vs nm game you referenced on the replay thread, the thing that struck me was how relatively clean the competing ruckmen were with respect to not shepherding, locking arms and wrestling. it was refreshing to watch. this has been a bugbear of mine for years. it was not always like that and the umps used to be strict on the use of arms for other than the ball. if the afl can clean that aspect up over time we might return to good clean rucking contests. lack of third man up will help with the congestion and limit some of the wrestling
  6. and the initials of red bull are.......................? what a provident coincidence...............lol
  7. how much extra for getting your eyeballs tatted?
  8. lay off biggles, dieter, and get back to your famous 5. I preferred hop harrigan on the radio. Larry Kent at 8pm was my favourite but i had to listen to it under the blankets because it was considered too adult for me.
  9. a flamethrower would be pretty effective, wyl. ceertainly make the next nut think twice
  10. ass long as there is equal representation of women, lgbtqiapk'ers, moslems, kooris and the ufu in this new order, i don't see any problem in this, biffo
  11. you didn't fall for that man on the moon stuff did you, binman? lol
  12. for dieter English sailor on the radio: "SOS, we are sinking, we are sinking!"German coastguard on the radio: "Wot are you sinking (thinking) about?"
  13. anyway........expect this year to be harder to source mfc afl-approved gear.......for what ever reasons we are going places.........and demand will rise......be prepared to be disappointed
  14. that's a lot of words, od, just to say you agree with me there will be a bigger demand for dee's stuff this year, and they will run out sooner, just normal afl forward planning
  15. expect t see afl stores running out of mfc gear (those that bother) early this year,. with replacement stock on too long a lead time to be useful
  16. very timely you bring up the pharaohs, ldvc. i've just been doing some reading on ancient kemet (KmT) aka egypt and came across this commemorative poster of their 1858 bc KFL grand final. You can see the two teams lined up in the centre and above them the 5 umpires carrying the match balls (one central, 2 goal and 2 boundary umps as it used to be). The interesting thing to note on the poster is a previous incarnation of our own maximus gawnius as the very tall star studded one overarching everyone. He was know then appropriately as "nut" the sky god. his name was the origin of the term nutter as maximus is known to be on occasions. couldn't work out who won but it wouldn't matter as the pharaoh owned both franchises. the ground was adjacent to the nile and you can see some spectators watching from boats near the top of the poster. it also seems it was a night final so the afl is quite behind the times
  17. learn something everyday, ldvc. that's the power of demonland.....lots of cream here
  18. ah well, just a thought. might have kept everyone happy
  19. andy, is there any reason (other than effort) why the demonland " AFL National Women's League " board couldn't have a different banner?
  20. rob hulls' legacy - the sleepers
  21. he was back on 3aw again yesterday with tony jones and he said he still hasn't been to see jh nor spoken directly to him. talks via the daughter. i have read elsewhere that jh's parents split up some time again and jh sided with the mother and became somewhat (but not completely) estranged from his father. don't know how much truth in that but it might explain some things
  22. jawohl, t'be sure, t'be sure, dieter, 'tis a sweet wee sound, quite unlike that gutteral saxon
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