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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. and pray tell, mr fence, how it is that you are in possession of such intimate knowledge of this er... establishment
  2. for me i'm afraid with [censored] king it's a case of falsus uno falsus omnibus
  3. maybe we have all heard the "i blame jack watts" mantra for so long on dl it became like the boy who cried wolf - lol
  4. cue saty telling us how incompetent/corrupt/politically-influenced ukad/wada are
  5. clearance clarence,,,,,,,,,,,,sounds good
  6. as for watts, i think there must be more to this than we are being told, so there is a lot of subjective speculation i'm looking forward to watching both oliver and cp5 this year
  7. why? do you expect goody to run the fd like socialist russia?
  8. so, you mean chardonnay sipping socialists will outlive us.....oh my god
  9. actually jara the weekend supermarket employees are not affected as they are under an eba i'd be more in favour of raising the minimum hourly pay rate to provide a more liveable wage for low income workers rather than grossly distorted penalty rates. if i have a criticism of the finding it is that it is just a fragment of wage reform and a more comprehensive overhaul is required, but good luck with that
  10. we get it, wrecker. you're a big abbott fan and you hate turnbull. that's fine, that's your choice but it is more important what the voting public think than what you think and the facts are that abbott's sniping is not doing him (or his party) any favours with the general public (apart from preaching to his choir) after all the labor/liberal pm coups of recent years, if you can't see that, then you are blind that's not say that the liberals aren't in a lot of bother, but going public like this only further disintegrates the party
  11. that's probably true, but not getting enough game time practice before season start is also becoming an issue. pity casey don't start practice games a bit earlier
  12. well that was quick. i can't get into my dentist for 2 weeks and that explains something else too. he just chipped his teeth. no wonder they couldn't find the chips
  13. lol - didn't realise they were that hungry. sounds a bit unhygienic though
  14. surely wrecker, hurting(destabilising/sniping) your party in public is an act of blatant disloyalty which abbott promised not to do before the elections if he want's to change party platforms/directions he can do it within the internal party frameworks he has only done himself and his party a dis-service in the eyes of the public where he is just seen as a vindictive trouble maker and someone who can't keep his word and yes again, your bias is blinding your judgement
  15. so make ones with air holes drilled into them and aerodynamic tips - lol - test run them in a wind tunnel
  16. such a pleasure to read a thread that's not about jack watts.
  17. did they find the choppers? read article - apparently not, porcelain ones the go, or maybe gold choppers would look good
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