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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. seems to be a captain's call, red
  2. liking a bet either way, i've decided to do the paleo and the carbo diet concurrently. i reckon that way i should lose weight twice as fast.
  3. hard to get a good blowie these days, biffo
  4. keep your chin up,red.......tomorrow will bring a new dawn
  5. heard he was adding metho to his milk - desperate times
  6. presumably you are not spewing as much now and you did say your little visits to the ymca are no more, on your being banned for licentious behaviour (nudity only being allowed in the swimming pool)
  7. i'll look it up hardtack
  8. enjoyable little film but historicity was pretty bad don't ask me why but i watched 25th reich last night.................don't bother, deliberately corny but so boring
  9. fernwood was it biffo. i had just presumed it was the ymca
  10. sheez bbo, you spelt it wrong it's "elagabalus"
  11. well keep trying.................we're counting on you
  12. nothing snide about it bbo. i was just being protective of local culture. would hate to see it get blatantly commercialised by the like of the afl not just burwood old chap but you would probably need to travel to the nearest spot of civilisation in order to purchase said beverages
  13. might i suggest some XXXX Summer Cloudy Ginger Beer and some Bundaberg Sarsparilla, bbo
  14. biffo is having his bi-annual rehab and de-tox lock-up. he's too shakey to help you jazza, can't even focus on a keyboard
  15. bbo, as a subsidising tax payer it excites me to think of my small contribution to romsey and the lad's welfare. keep it up but remember my largesse doesn't extend to biffo's visits
  16. so bbo, you must be an absentee farmer then or do your infrequent teaching hours and extensive holidays allow for a bit of hobby farming supervision now and then must be a great tax deductible and all that discounted diesel to get to school
  17. bananas very cheap at the moment - <$2
  18. also jazza, feudal japan was very short on fertilisers and soil was poor in nutrients all human waste was collected daily and spread over the fields no doggy bags then and walking the fields was a hazardous task early europeans (who smelt pretty bad themselves) described the awful stench of the countryside
  19. try roman fullers jazza. they didn't waste time herding the animals http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fulling
  20. how is the diet going, red i'm losing weight and i'm not even dieting or exercising getting that tapeworm turned out to be a good move thanks biffo
  21. nothing unusual in that there is only one bath (shared) in romsey and it's more than a month when your turn comes around mind you, queens in romsey get preferential treatment
  22. imagine that room, red, when the fridge had been on the blink for a few days
  23. +1 twice a day (incl before dawn) 365 days a year almost as regular as bbo's drinking habit
  24. chin up jazza, no-one could be that weak
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