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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. yep.......all 3 emergencies played, only jkh played a 1/2
  2. freo still on 0 frees half way thru 2q
  3. lol - qtr time and freo hasn't had a single free. 6 to the bears
  4. neither.....he's just an irritating interloper
  5. did he use the left jab or the right hook? i'm guessing the hook
  6. splitting hairs there nasher......he never said it was only a rumour forum
  7. essendrug have tried to deflect blame to virtually anybody except dank. it's obvious they don't want to push him too hard......i wonder why and the essendrug friendly media don't seem too inclined to put much heat on the keeper of skeletons and bottom drawers
  8. and then we should know which of the extra 3 Iif any) are playing for casey because they wouldn't train then play later in day of course they could hold back all 3 or 2 or just 1 as emergencies
  9. oh, ok, that would then be a definite sticking point then
  10. from what i read, he is only asking for $1m. if that would be a final payment (i.e. no possibility of later claims) then i'd expect essendrugs would cough up to avoid the the obvious problems and costs of a dragged out court case(s). wouldn't be surprised if the issue is not so much the money but ensuing the finality of any claims.
  11. well i reckon the swannies are playing a good game so far in difficult and slippery conditions can they keep it up?
  12. boy do the bullies throw the ball a lot.....c'mon umps show some gonads
  13. they,ll name 25 with 7 on extended bench. the bench will be reduced to 4 on sat most likely
  14. 40,934 another 66 to go with 5 days left....a piece of cake
  15. i also don't like how they play favourites with players (and some club officials). Any players who doesn't play ball with them get crucified whilst those players who feed the media with lots of info and always give them time can get away with murder. Very little objectivity and cultivate a scratch-my-back mates club. then there is their totally compromised relationship with the afl. of course there are some exceptions but few and becoming fewer
  16. maybe he can get a job at the essendrug media and web site department?
  17. yes, i like vanders and i don't think we have seen his best. hope his recovery goes well and he gets a full preason and injury free 2018
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