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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. wanchors now a whopping 6 goals up - crazy season - 2 man team proven so far
  2. yeah i know. i just thought the comment might have been saying he was injured/out of game
  3. why, what happened to ballantyne?
  4. seems there is no 3 game membership on offer yet (at least i couldn't find one) seem to remember 3 gamers are usually about $99 and includes newsletters, scarf etc. they often offer a cheap deal for reserved seats as an extra as they have plenty left over.
  5. or, timekeepers stop clock at 30 secs, then restart on the kick. no time disadvantage to other side
  6. why not, there are 4 mcg home games left, so it would be a bargain
  7. i couldn't gaf whether he staged the fall or not. he wasn't the one dishing out an elbow to the jaw to an unsuspecting opponent
  8. not really. tom kicks straight and he gets 7 goals, mcgovern 6
  9. well blow me down, i would never have guessed
  10. and now 50% exactly, ted
  11. we must have sucked all the heart out of the filth
  12. please.....don't use the d word, drunkn, especially not good d's
  13. oh for a nissan bluebird
  14. and veronica lodge for the women's team
  15. there is a g-d after all amen
  16. barry dickins wrote a lot about footy
  17. now that salem has signed i guess kelly is just waiting for hunt to sign before he makes his move
  18. winners are grinners
  19. if it is on someone else's property without permission then it's vandalism. no exceptions
  20. do you just make this stuff up, moonie?
  21. graffiti (n.) 1851, "ancient wall inscriptions found in the ruins of Pompeii," from Italian graffiti, plural of graffito "a scribbling," a diminutive formation from graffio "a scratch or scribble," from graffiare "to scribble," ultimately from Greek graphein "to scratch, draw, write" (see -graphy). They are found in many ancient places, but the habit was especially popular among the Romans. Sense extended 1877 to recently made crude drawings and scribbling in public places.
  22. and the millenials will probably love it
  23. funny game - dorks played some good football but geez they also played a lot of average rubbish and still won
  24. spe-shull !
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