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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. trading howe was a mistake. i thought so then and still do
  2. i wonder what saty thinks. has been very quiet on this issue
  3. and there it is. A cracking drive thru midwicket by DrD demonland brings up another century well played lads, take a bow
  4. only one run to go. outstanding 3rd session c'mon boys, we can do it
  5. oh come on, pa. there are plenty of other explanations or is your brain too limited
  6. that's a fair point, but i don't rate libba that much. he's too much a ducker and chucker
  7. wow. didn't realise they allowed primary school kids to post on bf
  8. lol - had to look up 'cooties'. need to get out more
  9. there again, afl compo for fa's might be here to stay (but might be different formula) i doubt they'd just scratch it so there was no compo to former club
  10. only 6 pages to go will all be revealed then? stay tuned
  11. yes, but nothing new here. don't know why purple is conflating it......well i do know, but
  12. wonder how a brighton grammar chap would get along with all those geelong grammar/college chaps
  13. not really if he didn't retire bears could still get him via a nominal trade without using fa. see dangermouse last year. he went via trade instead of fa
  14. read my post, nut the crux of the hate issue as raised in the post i replied to of course the crux of the total issue is whether ssm should be legalised - duh and.....we would have ssm legal now if the plebiscite was held
  15. i'm not worried mahoney will stick basically to his offer because it is essentially fair. eventually it will be accepted. crows won't let him go to the draft let's worry about other fish
  16. this is a good point you bring up and it is at the crux of the issue. the answer is pure jealousy and political bastardry. they cannot stand the probability that their arch enemy will bring about this momentous social change. a change they had hoped to use as a spearhead in the next election campaign. this is why shorten and labor jumped ship on a plebescite to thwart(delay) this change at this time. all the arguments about it being non-binding, a waste of money and a bitter hurtful campaign are all just red herrings magnified with propaganda by people afraid their opposition will go down in history with the credit complaints about wasting $120m. LMAO. I could sit here and write of countless Billions wasted by labor (and no doubt similarly by the libs) Fact is I will be voting yes, the majority of the country will vote yes, it will go to parliament and be voted into law, all before the current parliamentary term ends. Labor can eat their shorts. They had their chance before and badly baulked it. fact.
  17. that only works if we give crows pick 6 and nothing else i.e. no second rounder therefore we effectively get pick 27 for jack
  18. who didn't figure in dog's b&f top 10 ten (along with stringer and libba). another problem child nevertheless a great player pre 2017
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