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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. transgender announcer and hijab tea lady to go?
  2. this 'ambassador' rubbish is just plain bribery and corruption more afl policy on the run. surely they can come up with better solutions to make their private franchises more competitive
  3. are you suggesting his exit from the mfc was because he posted on demonland? bit of a stretch, dr.
  4. agreed, and i don't think that's just an opinion, more like what the facts say
  5. how come 4 vic sides are lucky enough to get out of it?
  6. great pic, ethan. i'd forgotten they were also clever enough to have navy shorts as well......f'wits
  7. i suppose, it, that we should also factor in that some (many?) swans have been underpaid in recent years (due to buddy, tippet) and might rightly expect (demand) some increased compensation?
  8. like when the umpires wear pink?
  9. well those 2 links contradict each other. first says 3 years to go, other says 1 year. more importantly though it seems tippett has agreed to a reduced amount of money, but what is unclear is how much left goes in to the cap post 2018. nevertheless, george, it does seems reduced termination agreement will free up a lot of cap space post 2018, so swans will be back in the fa game
  10. agree about away white shorts. should be able to use a coloured one as long as is different from opponent the nrl allow coloured shorts for away game strips next thing for afl to fix is umpire clash uniforms - lol
  11. i like the inverted option too, but i think they wanted something lighter again for even less clash. a more acceptable compromise than predominate white (/silver) my major gripe was the long list of clubs they claim it will be used for in away games. many of these are not real clashes.
  12. tend to agree, especially given the opportunity doesn't arise too often
  13. we have the mostly red already with the red-back clash jumper. there are 2 clash jumpers now
  14. george, won't tippet's payout for this year and next year stay in the swan's cap?
  15. just had to get rid of vlad maybe
  16. and your prior deflection was duly noted, od
  17. yeah, bub, but would be a total waste of time, eh? hell would freeze over first.
  18. interesting that our current home guernsey AND our main away guernsey are BOTH historically HOME guernseys. a pretty good result when all said and done
  19. i believe it stays in the cap against the appropriate year(s) i remember the speculation when buddy signed on for 10(?) years what would happen if it ended earlier
  20. seems brothels and drugs are not your strong suite, ethan
  21. dr who did come back before xmas under a pseudonym but seems to have disappeared again
  22. weeds better get out of rehab quick then or he won't have a decent pre-season at this stage no way he makes r1 team. probably needs another development season
  23. “It just reeks of self-importance. I reckon he’s got to be more humble or choose his words better, ” Blight told Sportsday radio. lol - this coming from blight, of all people
  24. and pretty cool pocket knives too, red. their time pieces are a bit cuckoo though
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