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Everything posted by daisycutter

  1. what are you? some sort of misogynist?
  2. Yes, but a gun in the hand would be better than two picks up your sleeve, don't you think?
  3. Barry Hall's Sister http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inedwXtNzAk
  4. Sounds like a job description of a economist (esp as they are paid for it too).......and we know how good their predictions are There must be a school somewhere for crystal-gazing and fortune telling...hmmmmmmmmmm
  5. With all respect Bob I think you misunderstood No-one (well me that is) is saying ready-to-play players are going to be stars, It's just that too many posters are prepared to predict that they have little up-side. This is what is stupid. For the rest of your post. no argument, but then you are just telling us how to suck eggs B)
  6. Hahaha. LOL I'm with you here Robbie Why is it that "ready-to-play" recruits are regarded as having plateaued and have no up-side?
  7. Lets be honest. Hasn't got the tools, hasn't got the passion, hasn't got the smarts. No need to gild the lily. 7 years was way more than a fair go.
  8. McCaffer's got no tricks, very average player Forget it, move on
  9. I should hope so. We need a midrange injection, we hold some aces, lets just do it
  10. Just go get him Its all about the mids right?
  11. Well I don't give a stuff what they cost but I'm going down to the greengrocers to get a stack of bananas just to celebrate
  12. Well buggar me dead! Just when I was thinking that watching the price of bananas was more interesting than watching Trade week, I wake up to this news totally out of left field. Talk about a resurrection and its nowhere near Easter.
  13. not as many coaches as we lost though...hahaha
  14. Saturday Banana Jokes ( I didn't say they were any good, but at least as exciting as trade week ) Why are bananas never lonely? Because they hang around in bunches. Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because he couldn't find a date. What's yellow and writes? A ball-point banana. What would you call two banana skins ? A pair of slippers. What is the difference between a banana and a bell? You can only peel (peal) the banana once. Why is a banana peel on the sidewalk like music? Because if you don't C sharp you'll B flat.
  15. “Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, bananas to bananas"
  16. Remember too that a year out from Jack's draft he was only a 16 yo and hadn't played TAC so its not surprising. When Jack was drafted no1 in the ND it was the last year of 17YOs being allowed in the ND
  17. lol, I think you mean the antonym of literal e.g. figurative, imaginative etc maybe, I just thought there might be some history in it
  18. We're getting off topic, there is no mention of "Demons" in our theme song either There is only reference to a 'flag' as being the 'emblem'
  19. Yeah Rusty I knew all that stuff about the socks etc I was just wondering where the "its a grand old flag.......it's the emblem for me...." came from. I understand the original yankee connection of the original song to the american flag but why did we keep the flag word in our version? Not a big deal, but esp this year with our new emblem and emphasis on history/tradition I just got me wondering what the flag/emblem connection was rpfc should know this stuff?
  20. Just don't change it to "Jaeger to Watts" or "Crouch to Watts" I suppose you could have "Scully to GWS" ? Or better still "Judas to GWS" ?
  21. This makes more sense - $500k per year front loaded with upto $800k first year I agree - no way 4 x $800k
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