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Everything posted by darkhorse72

  1. That is a concern as she makes a difference with her drive and size.
  2. At the moment I read it for confirmation bias :). Plus it stops me having to enter their territory...
  3. how many were so obvious and missed. Blood freo and tipping, never get them right.
  4. For Port, are they now broken mentally after all the prelim loses and the smashing last year.
  5. OMFG how bad are Freo in delivering the ball into 50.... painful to watch.
  6. Thought he was gone years ago. He's had long enough without the ultimate success.
  7. Well done buddy. But what's with pawing all over his face as he. tried to move to the boundary. Really weird. Made sure my kids watched as its not something that happens much anymore, when was the last 100 goal season?
  8. Up until their 3rd qtr comeback I'm thinking we broke them last year. Someone shared a state of teams smashed in gf's failing the next year and the dogs seem to be following that path. But if they had kicked half of those points in the last qtr they would have won. Bad kicking is bad footy. The blues have a strong mid (with one young talent to return) and a great fwd (singular), the rest can be taken apart by a top side. Tigers/dogs are not that at the moment.
  9. Yeah especially compared to last Thursday. Its the dog supporters again I would reckon. Not turning out for games for some reason.
  10. Hey all, Just got this email from the club about their new rewards program. Good idea. https://membership.melbournefc.com.au/reward-recognition
  11. slightly different characters (I think)
  12. The delay could be a concern, but the club has more preparation time. Free could knock off the. crows, but in Adelaide it will be a challenge. Rather play them than crows if we make it.
  13. Never bad seeing the up and coming dons getting a lesson.
  14. As I teach my students ,Morris failed the grandma test..for digital posting Basically if you wont show or say it to your grandma don't put it online... its an easy rule. Though a few of my students used to retort of how wild and inappropriate their grandma was and would love it.. :)
  15. Voss make the rookie mistake with his club at birdie thinking they 1 last run at it and topped up. He's a good coach and will be much better this timed we'll see consistent improvement in the blues this year. They should make th e8 if they can sustain it.. Tigers, looking older and not able tout that pressure on for 4 qtrs. need an injection of younger players to run out games.
  16. Blues look organised and switched on...and gee the umpires like them.
  17. Pretty much a full backline!
  18. Go Dee's , enjoy the live game and I'll be watching Kayo in a few hours due to bloody meetings!
  19. The fittest players that can fit into the squad. Hopefully they go hard at each other this weekend.
  20. The positive is we have 2 weeks to reset and freshen up. Follow themes program in preparation. :)
  21. A win is a win... guess its good to have a tougher match just before the finals after a couple of easy games.
  22. Well done Daisy, what a crap qtr...
  23. Percentage if important, briefly we were above the crows, but behind now. I guessing the saints won't score enough tomorrow to drag down Adelaide's.
  24. Started it, just to the start of 2021 season. Stopped as my son needed to go to bed and we'll finish together tomorrow. He's 10 so he know nothing and was amazed by the bad depths we sank. All good from now!
  25. Just reading through the thread post game. Not waking anything away from our great win. Freo did not have their captain (also out last week) but lost their next 2 best players just before the game due to covid protocols (Called one players who was working on her uni assignment at the beach). It was a training run at times for us as any side esp. in the AFLW losing top 3 really hurts, given the shallow depth of clubs. In saying that you can only play against what they put up. We should secure top 2 next week and that's great news going into the finals. Crows have got saints, so unless so dramatic happens they should retain top spot? The ball movement in the protected stadium was great to see and showcased what the better sides can do. The coaching team have got the group working together and its shows for the full 60 minutes (plus time on). Yep, Weid needs to talk to Harris, she marks beautifully at full extension on the move and pressure. She also pushes to get everything, though it does end up with on the ground at times which is not good. Great to see the girls live and those records should stand for a bit.
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