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jumbo returns

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Everything posted by jumbo returns

  1. I hope so - there's going to be some hard bumps that day.....remember the night Carey played against Norf? I thought Archer was going to flatten him!!!
  2. Where did this come from? Neither Buckley or Neeld strike me as types who would share in the 'sandpit' or the slide at the park with other kids. Malthouse needs to just be a commentator and relax a little bit.
  3. I've always liked 'murmur' - easy to spell, has a lilting quality to it and is hard to say after you've had a few.....
  4. He's actually looking quite big......
  5. I, too, have a framed jumper of the famous No. 22 from 2000 - at least he and Brad were faithful servants to the Club....
  6. If your powers come to fruition WJ, then I'll really heal and move on ...
  7. Still a favourite son? I understand where you're coming from, but would there have been sour grapes if the Cats had a slide in 2011? Hypothetical, I know....
  8. WYL, you keep going....I'm with you. His deceit and demeanour will smell for a long, long, time.
  9. I am so looking forward to seeing how Scully goes this year. Wonder how he'll break the heavy tags he'll get? Will he live up to his hype? It's going to be interesting.
  10. Your avatar says it all - a ready-made captain.
  11. Will have a MASSIVE year! The brilliant NUMBER 9........
  12. Fartleck and mephitis? Very impressive report Seriously, thanks for the report and to other Demonlanders who get down there - I'm in heaven, talking footy in January!!
  13. Yes, likewise - all the best everybody.
  14. Good get! Forgot about him.........
  15. Darren Cuthbertson Tony Campbell Colin Sylvia (still has time?) Darren Bennett
  16. Trapper played the game of his life, especially when Powelly was knocked out. Whoppa kicked a magnificent goal from the boundary, on the run, 40 metres out - I was sitting right behind the kick and an old fool like me dared to dream..........but, alas! Oh well, bring on 2012!!!
  17. Beautifully reported, with all the sensitivity and understanding this boy needs. Don't write him off yet.
  18. Stephen Powell against West Coast at Suby, can't remember the year....game in the balance, dying minutes (2000?) gathers the ball and tries to pump it long. his kick literally went SIDEWAYS into an unsuspecting Woey (who nearly died of shock) 2 bounces and the ensuing goal was the sealer. I still smile thinking about Powelly's skills......
  19. Can't - that's why I wasn't drafted. 'Runs straight at the ball' (has no peripheral vision or awareness)
  20. Has there ever been a player drafted in the history of the game, who wasn't lauded by every coach in the country? Ever heard a summation that goes along the lines of 'He's a real spud who should go pick 20-30. Can't kick, but tries hard. Got 4 touches one day and won a colour telly. We picked him up because his Dad supplies meat to Safeway'. EVERY player is a versatile quick, busts open packs, great hands, Jonathan Brown - type, Judd - like, Buddy - like... Give me a break.
  21. I know it's been said before, but thanks so much to those reporting on the training sessions. I can't believe our luck - we're talking footy in November!
  22. Whoa! BIG call.....this'll be bigger than you-know-who joining you-know-where......
  23. Slim pickings - I reckon 2, maybe 3 players will get picked up from there. Closest to the pin? I say 3.
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