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The Emblem

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Posts posted by The Emblem

  1. On the basis that the following aren't ready to play yet [and some of these assumptions may be quite wrong :blink:

    Whelan, Rivers, Bartram, Bruce, Wheatley, Mclean, Pettard, Yze, Carroll [not a bad list that]

    and that we may rest Junior & Robbo

    B: Bode Holland Frawley

    HB: Buckley Newton Johnson.C

    C: Green Moloney Bate

    HF: Weetra Miller Davey

    F: Wonaemirri Dunn Johnson.P

    R: Meeson, Jones, Bell

    I/C White, Valenti, Sylvia, Warnock, Garland, Neitz, Cheney, Morton

    Go ahead and laugh...you've every right to...just interested to hear who you may think will line up and where

  2. hehe, priceless

    I always need approval from management as well however footy games are an unspoken rule

    Your right Jarka,

    Rules are important...and like young pups, you can never teach your "significant" other too soon.

    I may have a battle on my hands and would appreciate both "tips' [no don't throw money] and moral support.

    Have just got engaged...the good news, fiance already calls the MCG "My Temple"

    The bad news..she knows jack S*^7 about footy but claims to support Hawthorn...and I quote "but I only know 1 player - Sean Crawford". :unsure:

    I have pointed out 2 things to her: 1. Sean looks a awful lot like his twin brother shane :huh: , and 2. She looks SO GOOD in red & blue [don't we all]. :D

    Please come forward with conversion tactics to spare me from a life of misery!

  3. Those who lok to thte MCC as any solution are indeed looking backwards..

    [full quote removed]

    As a MFC/MCC member myself I am right with Belzebub 59 when he says a new CEO must look beyond the MCC supporter base. The MFC rightly recognises that its MCC supporter base already has access to most home games and as such are making an extra donation to the club. The packages are sensibly priced accordingly, I especially like the $150.00 member + Young Demon package because it builds for the future...my godson is hooked! Thats the good news.

    The bad news.

    The remaining MCC members who "claim" to be MFC supporters are soft. They will probably only come if the team performs on the park, and will be slow on the uptake to boot too.

    The MFC cannot be built on such a flimsy supporter base...we need more hard core supporters who will be there when its sleeting!

    Thats the challenge for the new CEO, thats why she [or he] must be forward looking.

    How about a demonland topic stream of 'weird and wonderful" ideas for new membership drives?

  4. Exactly how is it detrimental?

    If they have nothing - then give them something, teach them...their keen enough

    Just like they said about the Irish experiment in 80's - Some of the best players I can remember watching came from that - They didn't have the skills when they came over

    Look at the types of kids clubs are recruiting nowadays, guys from other sports that haven't even played a game. If they are rookies...what's the risk?

    If these guys are athletic enough, adaptable to the skills of the game and have the drive to make it - then how can it fail?

    :wacko: Most of this thread seems to be focussing on what AFL footballers we could get from China...possible, but slow burn.

    I see the value in memberships and TV rights. Short-term there could be massive benefits. In Melbourne alone there is a large Chinese community...tapping into this market alone is worthwhile. And the potential TV audience in China is massive...dont forget what an exciting game AFL, its a very competitive offering compared to NFL etc.

    As for the AFL sniggering...I wouldnt pay much attention, they are insufferably arrogant...and will be the first against the wall when the revolution comes!

  5. Beijing right?...so there will be tanks if I'm correct, :unsure: so can we safely assume that the entire Carlton [Cartel] Football Club will be attendence

    On a more serious note. It will be interesting to see if there is a dramatic drop off in numbers.

    It is overall in August, and its going to be bloody cold so only the die-hards [e.g. me in my thermals] will be there anyway!

    Suspect it would have been a major drop-off in crowd numbers if it was a Friday night April/May than the drop off in crowd numbers would have been a real bugger.

  6. Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony - Friday, August the 8th.

    Melbourne's ONLY Friday Night game for 2008, at home against the reigning premiers - Friday, August the 8th.

    How much of a problem will this be? Thankfully the Olympic ceremony will begin at around 10.00pm AEST so there isn't a complete clash, but I imagine a lot of people will stay home rather than go to the footy and come home late for the 'second half' of the ceremony.

    Best scenario is that our game gets broadcast as a kind of 'curtain raiser' for the Olympics. It's all on seven, yes? Even so we can expect a major drop in ground attendence.

    Worst case is, the game gets traded to foxtel for a different game that round, seven spends all evening talking about the great anticipation for their marquee event, people stay home to make sure they see it all, and we get totally screwed on what should have been our second biggest earnings & profile match of the season.

    I'm gonna puke.

    I don't even like opening ceremonies.

    Beijing right?...so there will be tanks if I'm correct, :unsure: so can we safely assume that the entire Carlton [Cartel] Football Club will be attendence

  7. Judd has already cottoned on to the Carlton culture. Apparently, his progress from groin surgery is slower than was originally hoped for and there are some question marks about whether the type of surgery was appropriate. Seems that more radical surgery might have been called for but he took a punt on the Sydney surgeon. Could the man be tanking his own recovery?

    :o Latest picture of Judd training...yes he has made the adjustment to the Cartel Football Club culture

  8. Half forward flank for mine. Delivery into the 50 has been a weakness for some time and he would be close to MFC's best kick (still). Can't be bothered with the sniping, so this is on the basis that he gets a game.

    Not sure how the comments about keeping Wonaeamirri out of the side come about though given he's a rookie.

    re Adem's best position.

    I asked Mr's Yze...but she gave me a funny look and then slapped me! :blink:

  9. I think there's a hell of a lot of misinformation being spread around by lots of people who have a bone to pick with the way Judd seemingly treated their clubs with contempt during his apparently phoney selection process.

    I call it "wishful thinking". The surgeon who did the job is reputable and has a good record of success. Unfortunately, the odds now are that Chris Judd will pull on a Carlton guernsey before Cam Bruce dons the red and blue.

    Let's worry about our own club instead of wishing bad karma on others (even though in Judd's case, I'll take it :rolleyes:).

    Quite right whispering...let us not lower ourselves by engaging in scuttlebut about that nice young man Mr.Judd

    Even if he did prove that he would sell his own grandmother for a buck by turning his back on an opportunity to join his childhood team and instead slink off to the Cartel Football Club.

    We are above that!

  10. I need new pics :)

    Im getting my mate to do me a new sig for the dees 2008 season.

    I am thinking i want Nathan Jones, Brock, Simon Buckley ( i hold huge expectations for him this year)

    So if anyone could post good action shot photos of any of these guys that would be greatly appreciated, ill show you the finished product once my mate has finished.

    Cheers guys

    Dear Mousey...as a tragic football romantic I am delighted to see two dyed-in-the-wool dee's supporters [Grimes & Buckley] make the senior list!

    I do have one questions for you, and you may not wish to answer it...are you dating Simon Buckley by any chance? :wub:

  11. Its 1 February today not 1 April. :rolleyes:

    Its worrying that people would take the bait and welcome back such a divisive and self serving individual with a dubious corporate record (no matter how much he bank rolls the club).

    :o I'm with Rhino...no doubting Joe's passion, but he can split clubs like Wayne Carey can split packs, cops, girls cheeks, etc, etc ,etc

  12. I largely agree with you pantaloons. The concept of the "leadership group" seems to be quite "exclusive" and senior players which miss out can't help but feel on the outside. If I were Brad Green and Jeff White, I'd feel a bit hurt at being left out of the leadership group.

    :blink: 20% of the list in the leadership group?

    I'm a leader...and so's my wife

  13. not at melbourne...i like the "lets play like geelong" game plan...if that is run and carry well then lets do that...i doubt dean bailey would have mentioned run and carry this year however, as it turned out looking like such a failure at this club just last year

    From inside sources at "The Cattery" there was a near player revolt at Thommo's chip-chip-chip start stop game plan, basically it was the plan goes, and/or the coach goes, or we go!.

    The Cats started moving the ball long and fast into the forward line...the rest is history!


    From DeeReaming...in the know, because he is surrounded by [censored]!

  14. It looks like the Eagles have pulled off a recruiting masterpiece with their number 3 selection at November's draft. Chris Masten has been harged with disorderly conduct in an Australia Day scuffle in Perth. It was reported in the Australian that Masten "allegedly punched a man in the face at the South Perth foreshore. Police had to break up the fight. It is believed the rookie player was handcuffed and taken to a mobile police post where he was told to leave the area."

    Yep, filling in beautifully for Benny.

    I just cannot believe that the Eagles haven't got Wayne Carey into their football department yet!...obvious cultural fit.

  15. Frawley has played just 9 games for the MFC as an 18 year old (he turned 19 in September). Watching him last season I was delighted by his general agility and attack on the ball. And most of all his general enthusiasm. Frawley has the height, 193 cm, for the job but at last seasons end weighed well under 90 kg. so weight was a problem.

    Now, after 9 games I'm not expert enough to say he'll be a top class FB or just an average one. But if in a few years time he is anywhere near as good as his uncle was - that'll be good enough for me.

    I remember hearing SOS say that in his opinion a full back took years to develop, maybe 60 games or more, so the kid shouldn't be judged just yet. The same goes for Garland. However I've seen little of him so I cannot comment further. And didn't we recruit Stefan Martin as a potential KP backline player? So for the future we seem to have a few options.

    As for Nathan C., he's a journeyman filling a hole. Fun to watch, a bit of a character and someone who when on song holds down the FB position quite well. But he's very inconsistent and too often looks lost when the going is tough.

    We can do better IMHO.

    If SOS says 60+ games than I reckon he would know. One of the good things about Chip was that even when he got some bags kicked on him last year he was right on his opponents hammer...so he's quick and he showed good anticipation. These however are not enough if insufficent midfield pressure means the opposition forwards are being delivered the ball lace up. So a bit more pressure this year and I think we will be able to see Chip able to spoil and use his pace to rebound.

    As for Disco, very disappointed to hear this news, for MFC and for his own sake.

  16. I think geelong have been too soft. And contrary to what people on here say, it does have something to do with the club. Steve just does not get it. He has been caught doing dangerious and illegal activities 3 times now and his recent media appoligy was stupid. The kid clearly has not learnt his lesson and he goes up behind a desk infront of cameras and says that hes sorry. Three times is too many times and if he really was sorry after his 6 week ban, he wouldnt have done this. 120km/h in a 50 zone, thats not an extra 5 ks or 20 its bloody 70 ks. I have some sympothy for the collingwood player who just moved his car. It was illegal but not as dangerious as steves incident.

    There are enough deaths and accidents on victorian roads and people just are not getting the message. Steve should have been axed for what he did. First time incident would have been a hefty fine but this is inicsusable. And people on here are going easy on his, yet he could have killed someone.

    Agree 120km through 50, dumb, and the punishment fits crime...dealing with road trauma victims first hand will be both an excellent and harrowing experience for Steve.

    Let the law deal with the fine's, license suspension etc...Geelong's response is both measured, sensible and likely to be highly effective.

    And if you think I'm soft on road law abusers...I would like to see drivers caught texting whilst driving HANGED BY THE NECK UNTIL DEAD

  17. I don't know what Neita is thinking. I mean, I know at this time of year, the older players typically lose a few kegs to try and get a bit more mileage out of themselves, but seriously, David...


    ...you haven't got buckley's of getting into that mate.

    (For those whose chosen abode at this time of year is beneath a large rock somewhere, or those who are currently tuned into channel nine 8 hours a day, the young lady is Ana Ivanovic, the world no. 4 women's tennis player)

    Hmmmm....all of a sudden I'm interested in tennis!

  18. Ben Rutten. And whether a player is drafted no. 1 or comes off the rookie list is irrelevant when debating whether he is capable of playing a position.

    As for Carroll, he doesn't rate in the best dozen fullbacks in the comp, and I'm pretty certain by our drafting in the last 2 years, that we're trying to groom a replacement for him.

    Jeez you blokes are tough, Moses would have struggled at FB for the MFC last year!

    I think the problem is that Carroll is playing out of position, he is a very very good back pocket. But in a similar fashion to Bizzell he has had to step up due to our inability to find the FB answer...and I think there is every chance that we will find that in the current crop of U23 KP propects.

    So instead of slagging "Disco" off, how about we applaud him for doing a tough job under duress, and look forward to when he is part of a more balanced backline formation.

  19. I must confess thinking along similar lines as I read this thread - I wonder if in the absence of any real footy we are over emphasising the importance of the leadership group. Reading all the profiles of the new recruits many seemed to have a reference to good leadership potential and given their elite status probably were leaders at their old clubs from underage teams and up.

    Working in a prefession (military) where leadership is valued and regularly evaluated for each person I would expect every player to be a leader either by example, deed, team work or voice. By the same token there is only one Captain.

    Well, the Military generally get it right...they after all are competing in the ultimate competition. One skipper, but all the lads responsible for themselves and at the same time supporting each other.

    With the exception of a raised eyebrow re Frosty, I think DB has just about got it right for where we are with the list. From all reports there is leadership potential amongst several of the U23 group, sensible then to let the senior players take the responsibility in the short-term and give then new crop ample time to adjust to the off & on field demands required of them.

    As far as all the trash talk in the papers...forget em, they are paid to write like manic-depressants with the hippocampus of a goldfish!

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