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  1. Bagging? Haha. The sensitivity levels of certain posters is bewildering and wow the toxic positivity thing has really struck a chord! 🤣 I used to post before you'd even said boo on here but I see you're the self proclaimed guardian of the club nowadays. Let's just ignore each other from here on ey?
  2. Christy, has Binman brainwashed this many people? On what basis do you 'expect' our fitness to look much better? Freo, Collingwood, North.. Which one were we 'bouncing' for? Or is it this one?
  3. I'm assuming WCW is the site's new Saty? Some serious patrolling on this forum.
  4. Brisbane's last three scores for. 152 points against Port. 126 points against St Kilda. 114 against the Dogs We managed 70 against North Melbourne. I'll repeat. 70. With no goals in the last quarter. The team in the bottom of the ladder. Offensively, we are no match and the Midfield comparison is terrifying. Brisbane put on 55 points from scores from stoppage for the first three quarters against Port. They won clearance by 15 and won the inside 50's 71-46. All of this at Port Adelaide. Brisbane's DNA hasn't changed, they're a stoppage, clearance and contested machine of a midfield with one of the most potent, dangerous and dynamic forward-lines in the AFL which is humming atm. Our numbers? We are -4 in contested ball against sides this year. We are the 4th worst clearance side in the comp. We're the 3rd worst team in the comp in scoring on turnover. It's mind-boggling that some think we're in with a chance against this side on current form. If we get within 35 points, I'll be astonished. But this could be an easy 50+ loss and that is the more likely scenario.
  5. It's the level of his performances, his inconsistency and his visible body shape that are the clear indicators that he's not fit enough. The word 'fit' is misleading. I don't purely mean aerobically fit. As stated, I think he's undone in many areas. Aerobic fitness, power and strength, his intensity doesn't look the same. There's a lot there that is showing. As far as being more valuable to the side than anyone else at VFL level, it depends on a lot. It depends on what the plan is, where you are placed as a side etc. Goodwin is coaching for the season atm. There's a lot tied into that. All I know is that he shows his desperation and stubbornness too often and this season we've had underperforming senior players who Goodwin hasn't been willing to drop.
  6. Have been a long-time reader of this forum and I must say, it's become very vanilla, protected and increasingly PC over the years. I think it's okay for supporters to come to a sites like this and criticise aspects of the club, coach and even players if they're not performing. As long as it's done within reason. It seems if you don't display constant toxic positivity around anything Melbourne fc, you open yourself up to be ridiculed and/or banned, some posters I really enjoyed reading over the years seem to have left. The Clayton Oliver issue is one that should welcome honest criticism and feedback among supporters and I can't quite understand why posters feel the need to start a thread defending him when his form is cause for concern has been for months now? Are people really that precious? My opinion of Clayton's clear drop off is that he's not fit, powerful or mentally strong enough which one can accept given the interrupted pre-season he had. I don't buy that he had 'no pre-season', those calls make no sense as he wouldn't be playing if he had no pre-season. But clearly to the eye, his body shape has changed and that could be due to any number of things. Professionalism around diet, sleep, night time activity, medication and of course lack of physical conditioning. Its been a double-whammy for us because his undeniable strengths as a ferocious ball winner and clearance king have been enormously impacted by his broken pre-season which has led to him being even further exposed due to his weaknesses. Weaknesses being, ball use, decision making, scoreboard impact. Clayton is not a well-rounded mid. He's a mid that is elite in facets of the game and is average to weak in others. And now that he's strengths are not on display, his contribution is almost non-existent at times. Now, I think it's more than reasonable to make that observation/call without the need for posters to cry 'leave him alone'. The worry for me is more around a trait that Simon Godwin possesses. Desperation. For one, I was extremely surprised to see Clayton back playing in round 1 having barely played in match sim and or pre-season games at AFL level and lack of any meaningful form before he was played. That move just smells of Godwin's desperation. This is when we had an entire midfield brigade to choose from and there was absolutely no pressure to bring him in. Here we are, over halfway through the season and Clayton's clear lack of conditioning due to his broken pre-season and whatever else is going on behind the scenes has been on display week-in, week-out and is now even more in the spotlight given Trac's absence. Goody has done Clayton and the club no favours by declaring him 'fit' and 'ready to go' when it was clear to see he wasn't. His contribution is meaningless atm due to what I've outlined and this is simply another call made by Goodwin out of desperation and stubbornness.
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