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Everything posted by marieisademon

  1. Hi everyone I am a truck driver, if you watch the Adelaide news on Wednesday, I was driving my truck from Melbourne to Adelaide, when I got to Adelaide on Tuesday night, 1 set of my trailer tyres come off the trailer, they flew into a fence, I did not see or feel them come off, so kept on driving, until car waved at me, 5 minutes later and then pointed to my tyres, few KMs down the road when it was safe, I pulled over and saw the missing tyres, the trailer was still stable so since my truck deport was 5kms away I headed towards there, police pulled me over, they treated me like I was a criminal, tested me for alcohol, which of course was negative, they then took me to the watch house to intergatge me saying I was in the wrong, and is a careless driver for my tyres fly off the truck. Who thinks I am guilty?
  2. It's because he plays for Collingwood, the media makes out that he is doing things of half back, that have never been done before.
  3. If that's how everything worked no player would do a interview every again, unless they won the flag
  4. Without Greene GWS don't get out of bottom 4, would love to have him at the Dee's, we would be unstoppable, how much hovac would he and kossie cause?
  5. Without Greene GWS, don't get out of the bottom four, I think the Dee's would adjust without max, but maybe we would only be about 5 th on the ladder
  6. It's only a seven hour drive to Melbourne, it was never about going home it all about the money
  7. I don't know why you follow the sees, you are so negative and hate everything about how we play, but yoithe master of negative
  8. People like you believe every myth out there, in the first 10 rounds when the team was kicking at 60% at goal, we averaged more then Collingwood, the difference between Melbourne having a high scoring and a low score came down to goal kicking accuracy, our lowest A/W score against GWS, we kicked 5 goals 15, you are the one who always thinks the demons are slower then other teams, no matter who is on the list
  9. What a champion what a legend
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