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Everything posted by Wodjathefirst

  1. Not to forget Bryan Taylor’s unbelievable biased (barracking) commentary. [censored]!
  2. After tonight, I’m looking forward to having a nice stress free weekend 🤞GO DEES!
  3. Just want the four points, nothing more, nothing less.
  4. Is it just me……Made me think of Clarry
  5. Can’t wait until the Tassie team starts up.
  6. I was there too. I know it depends to a large degree on where you sit but from my perspective, Collingwood supporters are far, far more feral than Port’s. (I still can’t get over how they started chanting their stupid chant when Brayshaw was knocked out cold on the ground in last year’s final).
  7. Always interests me when the squad is announced who will eventually be named the sub come game day. A suggestion. How hard would it be to create a weekly poll (similar to the one in the thread that asks ‘who is your least favourite team’). This would give an opportunity for all us armchair experts to pick (or in my case guess) who will be the sub. If all too difficult, all good, it was just a thought In the meantime….GO DEES!
  8. Some people are very good at ‘talking the walk’. Others like Jack, just ‘walk the talk’. Well done mate.
  9. Hang in there bro….we’ll get through this.
  10. I’m guessing that this was the Pakenham train.
  11. That was the game that he got my respect. He was very good at dishing it out all his career. That game he copped one in return and took it well….and what a GF that was. One of the best ever.
  12. Least ‘favourite’? It was difficult to nominate the ferals. Would have been a lot easier to tick Collingwood had the question being worded ‘which team to you hate / despise loathe the most’
  13. Brisbane next week. Zero and four? Dear god…..🙏
  14. The ferals losing the first three. Up against Brisbane next game. Surely they can’t make it four 🤞
  15. One can only hope that the ‘winning by a few points’ catches up with Carlton during this season 🤞 Edit-(Sorry Monocular- just saw your post above)
  16. And they did it again! Now that is good news
  17. What a great start to the weekend
  18. You are most likely correct….but can I then just pretend that the booing was for Gus? It made me feel good on the day.
  19. I mentioned this on another thread but I think it is more appropriate here. I liked how the GWS crowd booed that dog every time he got near the ball. I hope that trend continues for the rest of the year. (As an aside I really deplored how fans from all teams booed Goodes- it was not on. Similar for that young bloke who moved from North to Port [North supporters excepted]. Perhaps I’m a bit one eyed and biased- but I believe the Maynard situation is different. The difference being he deserves it, simple as that)
  20. We are still in the top 8!
  21. Likewise. However I was pleased with the GWS crowd ‘response’ to him in their game against the ferals. Sincerely hope all other teams supporter bases do likewise.
  22. I’m looking forward to seeing how all the pundits squirm the next day…after we take care of one of the premiership favourites on their home turf
  23. I love how we don’t feature highly with most pundits out there in media land. I can feel another 2021 coming on. GO DEES!
  24. Viney might also take a few votes of him
  25. I believe Billings only played a handful of games for the Saints in the last two seasons due to a combination of injuries and form loss prior to coming over to us. I know its early days but it appears that he has found a new lease on life. Boy does he have some silky skills. I am very bullish about how good this could turn out for him and us. I hope he plays in the ones against Sydney. No question from me, just a comment.
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