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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Fyfe. Love having a legit gun on your side (even if for just one match).
  2. Freo in it up to their necks. Dogs have a tendency to go bang in one 15 min block of play though.
  3. Was planning on having a nice relaxing evening until I logged on and discovered this game was tonight. Now I'm going to go through various stages of dread, worry, optimism, disgust, and (probably) finally, hatred. Demonland is bad for my health. EDIT: We might win though! (There's the optimism covered)
  4. Man I hope so. Don't rate Angus, and I think he needs to go for balance. I also think he's bad for culture too. Just a vibe I get from him.
  5. BOG ROLL VOTES: Harmes #1 Viney #2 Brown #3 (honorable mention for number 2 due to the colour in his surname)...
  6. I get that you want your own life to go back to the way it was in 2010 but don't drag the rest of us back there with you.
  7. Whoa whoa whoa! where's all this talk of rule changes coming from? You sound like the AFL!
  8. While I agree with you in principle, often the "tackler" is just tackling his own team mate, which is not against the rules.
  9. Jones is cooked. Everything he touches turns to opposition scores.
  10. Wake me up when the saints win a final.
  11. The ChookBucks earned by Spargo in that Hawthorn finals victory on '18 were all but spent before tonight. He's earned a few more though on that performance.
  12. Jones' best game of the year. McDonald nothing more than a role player. Chris Dawes Mk II right now.
  13. Here from the podcast, paying tribute to Sweetman.
  14. Woof. What a missed opportunity. Jetta nearly cooked. Jones probably is as well. Imagine…three missed from Weid, 1 absolute sitter missed from Bennell. Fritsch should be dropped for McDonald on the basis of sheer Beavis-and-Butthead stupidity in the last 2 minutes.
  15. lol to anyone who wanted to drop Melksham. The bloke's a game winner.
  16. There's one back from Viney. Viney and Salem our best today.
  17. Jetta is brave, but he's cooked. His only weapon now is putting his head over it, which he is doing to his detriment. Man how I wish Bennell had nailed that goal...
  18. Also. Trac's vision is the best I have ever seen from a Melbourne player, bar none.
  19. Would love to get a goal in a manner other than off-the-ground-in-the-middle-of-the-goalsquare style, but I'll take being level right now. Weideman and Oscar McDonald giving us a great deal of structure. Weid needs to figure out how to kick a ball straight when it's dewey. Jackson will be some player. I thought he would show nothing this year, but the fact that he's doing everything he's doing with so few games and so far off his ideal body shape gives me a lot of faith he'll be an amazing, one-of-a-kind type player over the journey. A true "every position" player.
  20. You know how you had that Depression-era grandparent or great grandparent who would never throw anything out and had creative ways to stretch every penny. In 60 years Gen Z3 will have a bunch of germophobes for grandparents or great-grandparents.
  21. I think you'll find Kossi has some of HIS footwork…if my biology lessons have taught me anything at all.
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