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  1. I also saw that game live and like Sydee, I came away believing that we were the real deal for the first time in decades! They had won something like 8 on the trot and came out in the first half like they were going to put us to the torch as well. We hung on and then gave it back to them in spades in the second half, they were gone half way through the third quarter. Huge game for us tonight I reckon. For what it's worth, I think that without TMac, we'll struggle to win the flag this year unless the Weid stands up. Let's all get behind him tonight!
  2. A bit late to the party but I was there as well in 64. Went with my Mum in the Ladies Stand, Mum was one of the first female MCC members. Mum was also a fanatical Pies supporter who spent many hours watching their 1990 GF win in her last years. I was 11 and, like many others grew up watching the Dees win flags. My favourite player was Hassa Mann but I also remember thinking that the world had come to an end when Barrass went to Carlton. Don't remember a lot about the game itself other than thinking that Gabbo's run went on for about 5 minutes! Neil Crompton's goal never looked like missing and the last few minutes were torture. It has been a long road with many great moments and far more disappointments but this team has brought more joy than I dared to hope for over the years. I knew we had something special when I saw us beat Brisbane in Sydney, Brisbane coming off 8 wins I think. We soaked up their dominance in the first half and then gave it back in spades. This is the best Melbourne team I have ever seen and even after watching the game on Saturday 3 times now, I can't believe how good it was. Not only were we behind on the scoreboard but we were getting beaten in the one on one contests, getting outmarked and couldn't get our hands on the pill. All of a sudden it was over in the blink of an eye. This is a special group of players and my heartfelt thanks to everyone who is responsible for them. One last shout out to Jonesy, the fact that you weren't there is my only disappointment from this fantastic dream!
  3. I wonder if Andy, Binman and George are going to give Harmes the credit he deserves
  4. Just listened to this, which I have now become a fan of each week. I was at the game and my two cents worth is that I don't think you guys fully appreciated how good a win this was for the team. Frankly, I don't recall seeing a better win by the Dees! Brisbane are a very good team who were coming off 7 straight and they were fabulous in the first half. They were first to the ball, their forward line was scary with Hipwood and Daniher firing and Bailey, Cameron and McCarthy always looking like they would score when they went forward. Andrews was dominating and their midfield of Neale, Zorko and Lyons all up and about. That we were able to stay with them in that first half was something that no Melbourne team of the past decade or two could have done. To then come out and do what we did in the second half was nothing short of brilliant. Brisbane were gone before the end of the third quarter and by the end of the game looked like a team that simply had no answers. We took their best shot, stayed calm and played them off the park. As an old dee from way back, I have more faith now in this team than I thought was possible.
  5. It's been a long time since I posted on this site but this thread gives me something useful to throw in I reckon. I was at the 64 Grand Final and have been following the team for a long time now. I can't remember a time when it was this much fun to be Dees supporter. The Club is doing everything right this year so far. The team is clearly and obviously playing as a team and as such, despite the scores at times, has looked the better team in each of our 8 games. We have genuine stars all over the ground, many of them in their prime. Form is temporary but class is permanent. We look very fit. Our 2's are winning easily and there are a number of good players who can't get a game. We have locked in the core of our team on long term contracts. I challenge anyone to recall a period of time in the past 60 years when we have looked this good.
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