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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. Apparently yelling ‘what the F..K’ directly at an umpire is not covered by the descent rule.
  2. DESCENT? Not a thing anymore????
  3. It’s the thing that frustrates me watching Geelong with commentary. It’s the exact same commentary every game for them.
  4. How many soft frees do Geelong get?!?!
  5. This better not be a drawn game.
  6. Urgh…. C’mon Geelong… 🤢
  7. It's a good question! Wouldn't have guessed that amount of wins after us either. Now I'm wondering which team has the lowest ratio of wins against.
  8. That's quite the phrasing.
  9. I've been sick as a dog with food poisoning so I'm thankful for something to focus on... BEHOLD!!!! 2021 15 WINS @ 65.217% 8 LOSSES @ 34.783% 2022 10 WINS 43.478% 13 LOSSES 56.522% 2023 7 WINS 43.75% 9 LOSSES 56.25% 1 DRAW TOTAL WINS - 32 = 51.61% TOTAL LOSSS - 30 = 48.39% Basically even stevens.
  10. Finish 2nd and don’t play GWS in finals and we’re gold. GWS worry me. Or really, Toby Green worries me.
  11. Was there an actual investigation to determine if Port did or didn't purposefully break concussion protocol? Given that Port first denied the Dr. made the wrong decision, then changed their tune and admitted to making a 'mistake', was this change the AFL telling them 'accept you made a 'mistake' and you'll get away with 100k fine?' It's frustrating how blatantly obvious it is that Port broke protocols knowingly and then for their punishment to be worth the salary of essentially 1 rookie player. The AFL really think we're morons.
  12. If it was the doctors call to not follow protocols, then isn’t this medical malpractice? And if someone overruled the doctor, is that not gross negligence from an employer? Don’t see how someone doesn’t lose their job or end up in front of a medical board.
  13. Yeah it’s pretty weird, he was out straight after the hit
  14. Let’s finish 2nd and play Port/Brisbane at home!
  15. Let’s gooooooo Radelaide!!!!
  16. I messed up the order of my games in my comment… Carlton beat them today so that’s the first of four we need them to lose! Yeah fair, I’m hoping for a miracle and that we can somehow manage 2nd and play Port or Brisbane at home. Don’t expect it, but hoping for it. I’ll take a lock in at top 4 though.
  17. We need them to lose 4 out of the remaining games and we have to win every game Port *could* lose the next 3. Collingwood today, next round Adelaide then Geelong down at Geelong. if they win all any of these then it’s over. The other games are Carlton, GWS, Freo Richmond, so one of these teams would need to steal a win.
  18. I completely forgot about the lights! Feels like it was an age ago
  19. Ah shoot, yeah I didn't think of those threads as I'm dumb.
  20. https://wwos.nine.com.au/afl/news-2023-clayton-oliver-training-argument-with-melbourne-demons-trainer-video/e7f8356c-f85f-4a42-b497-b861cf3aab96 Haven't seen this on the site yet so if it's already been addressed, please delete. This quote in the story is confusing to me: 'According to 9News Melbourne, the argument between the pair came about after Griffiths asked Oliver to complete sprints at a certain speed, speeds which the premiership star argued he would never reach in a match' Can someone clarryfy (sorry) what 'he would never reach in a match' means? As in is he saying he is being asked to run at a speed he can't reach, or is he saying he doesn't run at his absolute full speeds in a match? Could Imagine Clarry is pretty bloody annoyed that his 2-3 week injury is extending further and further.
  21. Yup. I want to see Mcvee/Bowie/Salem playing forward flank. I want to see a forward line that is in constant motion and for one of these guys to be hitting targets inside 50. We’re on a trajectory of failure if we keep doing what we’re doing. Change things up, keep the forward line moving and hit targets in front of goal. If we lose, we lose. Move on to the next plan. We cannot keep doing what we are doing.
  22. Agreed. He has the Pendlebury extra second ability and hits targets constantly. Very smart footballer. Give him a crack and who knows, he could be the answer going inside 50 we need.
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