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Everything posted by BoBo

  1. Said the exact same thing at work today. I think the AFL HAS to demonstrate that the initial process ‘worked’, but then the final argument on appeal can be overwhelmingly convincing to not allow the appeal to succeed. At this stage I could easily be wrong and they throw it out at this stage. With the current litigation against the AFL, demonstrating that the process ‘works’ and was followed was part of the reason for the overruling of Christenson by the new head (of who’s name I can’t remember). Process and more importantly the public demonstration of the adherence to process is more important than the correct outcome.
  2. It’s a fair call! I reckon we’ll get up over Carlton but Brissy up there now seems like a monumental task. Obviously hope I’m wrong!
  3. Yup. Brisbane have no excuse not to win their prelim. Easy 1st final, virtually unscathed and no injuries. Probably their final chance to win a flag also. Too many young teams on the up and this is as good a shape as they’ll be in to have a tilt.
  4. Yep H&A Port were very good. This is finals though and Port have been choked for a long time now and tonight was no exception. GWS have a head of steam and nothing to lose as there were many in the media that wrote them off at the beginning of the season. Port on the other hand, have had the question mark 'can they produce in finals' for many years. I would be much more nervous if I was a Port fan than if I was a (non-existent) GWS fan.
  5. SIGH 😞 I’m going to be completely honest, I’m already preparing myself for a finals exit in a prelim. To have so many injuries in the ONE weakness we have in our team: our FWD line, I just can’t see how we score enough to get to the Granny. Another [censored] wasted year by injury.
  6. Geez, I’m not so sure about this. GWS look like they’re the most in form team and the most ‘ready for finals at the G’ type team. I reckon they’ll beat Port next week and have a very similar game plan to the Pies. Will be tough for them to beat the pies but if they make the granny and they’re playing the Lions, I think they’ll beat them. I watched them in a lot of games during the season and deadset, Kingsley has primed them to be a finals team. They finished way lower on the ladder than they should have by losing games early in the season to the Bombers, Tigers and EAGLES. Doesn’t matter where they play, they believe they can win.
  7. A question I’ve always had, is the banner more for the fans or the players? Do the players even ready the banner?
  8. This is the tale of finals every year! It’s the reason why the phrase ‘questions about X game’ exists as teams weaknesses are exposed in finals. Port will 100% lose to GWS next week. I can almost guarantee it. I don’t know what it is about them but they just aren’t built for finals and [censored] the bed.
  9. Yeah I don’t have to deal with Port supporters at all and all the Brisbane supporters I know are just very good people so I don’t care if either wins to be honest. Coll/Carl/ESS/Hawks are just no go zones for me. if any of those teams are in a granny then it means I automatically support the opposition. Don’t even need to think about it.
  10. Fair enough. Im purely selfish about it from day to day. I would rather a corporate, soulless and vacuous entity like GWS find success than to have to endure the endless amount of entitled and arrogant verbal diarrhoea spewing from the mouths of Pies and Carlton supporters by one year of success. If GWS play the pies and blues 5 times each in the next 10 grand finals, then I will be cheering GWS to their tenth flag in a row until my voice is destroyed. I cannot express how much disdain I have for those clubs. I wish them nothing but misery.
  11. GWS will be hoping the bears towel Port so they can play them next week. They will beat Port at Port and go into the prelims. From there, if they make the granny and the bears make the granny, GWS will win the flag. They have the talent, the game plan and the mongrel for finals footy.
  12. Did anybody think that vision showed the ball was definitely touched?
  13. WHAT THE HELL??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  14. Didn't you hear BT though? The crowd is like really, REALLY loud.
  15. At least Sydney are smashing into some Carlton bodies hard this quarter.
  16. Be nice if the Umps had equal thresholds for both teams in this match.
  17. He probably could've absorbed the ball into his body to be fair. He had other options.
  18. Look how much more physical Sydney are! Keep going Swannies
  19. [censored] Gulden is a good player. Only 21 years old.
  20. I reckon I've seen that exact scenario about 5-6 times this year and not only was it not fifty, it was play on. Petracca did it one game and it was fine.
  21. Well, guess we're playing Carlton next week. Sydney don't have the kicking boots on.
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