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Posts posted by DeeSince73

  1. Ok I’ll cop the 2 weeks and be as angry as everyone else about the inconsistency we’ve seen during the season. What really gets up my frock are the media frothing uncontrollably about how bad the incident was. How the self righteous parade of Wheatley, Dunstall, Cornes and that insignificant tool who’s name I can’t remember comparing this to George Floyd. Oh my god, spare me. 
    The baying for blood and geeing up the AFL to act is much worse than what Viney did. 
    These dills once again trying to be relevant, get a result they want and the club standing back with pants down and lube in hand. This is what has made me mad. ?

    • Like 4
  2. 2 hours ago, Waltham33 said:

    Anyone else notice a fair bit of bagging between our players when shots were sprayed. Player has a shot and others arms go up complaining you didn't kick to me

    Yes I did. Harmes seemed to be copping a fair bit of lip from the players walking off at half time. Lever was the only one who offered him some solace at the time from what I saw. Lever had his arm on Harmes back and was explaining something to him. I have notice a bit of a disconnect between some of our players recently. Not sure what is going on. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Zimma said:

    Surely VINEY is gone.

    Most overrated footballer.

    Offers nothing, absolute momentum killer. Poor disposal by foot and hand.

    Ruins team lineup and balance. 

    Because we have a love affair with the name VINEY we move others Gus and Harmes from their best position to ensure he has a spot because he can't player anywhere else but the centre square.

    Someone please help me understand what he offers in out team.

    Should have taken the pick when Geelong wanted him.


    I agree 100%. I have never seen him to be anything but an average footballer. His name has carried him the entire way. I admire his effort but every point you make is valid. 

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