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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Recruiting Ben Brown is absolutely central to our fortunes next year and beyond. I’m not that fussed losing out on Smith in part because there are viable alternatives. We have no alternative to Brown. Hoges attitude issues appear to be too much of a risk (which is a pity, I’m a big fan), Cameron and Daniher are moving elsewhere so its Brown or bust. I think playing the Burgess card is smart given his knee injury. I don’t see any “destination club” waiting in the long grass to gazump us ala Smith. I’m confident but I think this is one time I want to see the club pull out all the stops to get a player in. If Burgess has given him the all clear then give him a good salary and 4 years. It’s rare a 28 yr old Coleman medallist comes on the market. Get this deal done MFC.
  2. All good. we'll get hawthorn nous from Yze.
  3. Plenty of due diligence required if we're to entertain the idea of a trade. Lots of talent but his regression has been stark. Off field antics a worry. Approach with extreme caution.
  4. Mitchell left for a player coaching role. Suited both parties. He’s back there now and is being groomed to be the next coach. Hodge and Lewis left for developing teams although to be fair Lewis left before he was pushed. Both would be welcome back in another capacity I’d reckon. Smith left for the cats. Big difference. He had other options but chose a hated rival. Doubtful he’ll be as welcome as Hodge or Lewis in the future
  5. I have no love for the hawks but I got to say if I was them I’d be pretty p*ed off with Smith. They gave him the opportunity to win 3 flags was it too much to ask that he hang around to help mentor and guide the new generation. And to the Cats as well. The hawks hate the cats. Players who show loyalty are held in much higher esteem by supporters. He has sullied his legacy there big time. Very questionable motivation.
  6. You're taking this too seriously PPP. Relax. Keep posting @Dr evil
  7. Plenty to work with here. JT’s move to pick swap with North last year totally vindicated imv. Lacked composure particularly in front of goal but if he can settle down rather than snatching at chances he’ll be a great player for us. Provides much needed forward pressure as well. Highlights for me were his goal v north. Crumbed, spun out of tackles evading 2/3 north defenders in close proximity and slotted the goal. His other was the chain of handballs he instigated off half back v the giants resulting in a goal to spargo I think it was. Really looking forward to seeing his development next year.
  8. Good player and would have been a very handy addition. The fact the Hawks and the Cats are pulling out the stops tells you that. I think the only reason we’re in the conversation though is the 3rd year we’ve offered which is risky for 32 year-old so I’m not too fussed we missed out. Sounds like the club did all it could so no gripes from me on that score. There are other options. My preference is Phillips followed by Polec. Keep us posted @Dr evilon what the club is thinking now that it looks like the Smith deal has fallen through.
  9. See my response to wunders and moonshadow (I could have phrased my original post much better)
  10. see my response to wunders (scroll 3 posts up)
  11. expected perhaps but not that common. our inside 50 delivery has been pretty ordinary so well worth his spot for this skill alone.
  12. I agree. Excellent on footy classified. Knows the game inside out and explains himself in simple terms. I can see why players would want to play for him.
  13. Dodoro is doing a great job. Leave him exactly where he is. ?
  14. Agree re Jones role in 2021 My point was more that on-field performance was not the sole consideration when giving Jones an extra year
  15. Hard to find fault with anything Lloyd and Cornes have said here. Interesting comments from Lloyd on Eddie Betts and how he has been instrumental in attracting Martin and Williams to the club. Great example of how the value a senior player brings goes beyond on-field performance. Very smart from Carlton. Jones detractors take note please.
  16. Time caught up with him this year. The mind is willing but the legs have gone. We can’t let this little champion leave. He’s a fantastic leader and spokesman for the indigenous community so surely a mentoring/coaching/liaison type role could work. We did the right thing by Jonesy. Let’s do the same for Nev.
  17. Harsh He put his body on the line against St Kilda. Went back with the flight of the ball on the near flank in the 4th quarter and copped a huge hit for his troubles. If TMac moves on he’ll provide cover and decent cover at that. Worth his spot imv.
  18. hope your boss doesn't read DL otherwise he'll give you a pay cut tomorrow ?
  19. Culturally it’s the right thing to do. Now please look after Nev Jetta as well.
  20. if we do recruit him hopefully he turns out more Langdon than Ben Kennedy!
  21. I haven’t been paying too much attention to him tbh but the general consensus on here is that he’d be a great pick-up. But it does beg the question, if he’s so good why are Richmond letting him go? I know they have quality forwards but still. Having said that they did let Butler go last year and he has been a great addition for the saints.
  22. Thanks DX. I work in the corporate world so what you say is true. What I would add though is the external mentor must be completely impartial/neutral. Internal mentors may have their own agenda and therefore will not necessarily give you advice which is in your best interests. There is a conflict of interest at play. That’s what I see here as well. If Goodwin mentors Smith who then becomes a good player Goodwin might convince him to make a career move to Essendon (where he was coaching at the time) which may not or may not be in smith’s best interest. There’s an obvious conflict there. I would be 100% against an assistant coach from West Coast mentoring young Rivers for instance. That coach would have an obvious incentive to sway his decision making in favour of the Eagles.
  23. Contract size and duration, mental health struggles, hammys, wife and child are in another state. This trade would make sense on absolutely no level. The Dees have recruited smartly recently. Treloar doesn’t fill a need. Ben Brown, a winger be it Smith or Phillips and a better support cast are the objectives. Stick to the plan and don’t get distracted by the bright shiny thing.
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