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Everything posted by BDA

  1. The Dees have dismantled a quality opposition in that half. Super impressive.
  2. She's a champ but Paxy has cost us 2 goals this qtr. I'm sure she won't let it get to her.
  3. I’ll be there for sure as long as we get this latest (and any other for that matter) outbreak under control. I’m not in a risk category and have been bolstering my immune system with vit C, D and zinc so I hope I can fend off this virus if I come into contact. The best thing the govt can do now is move hotel quarantine to the regions and out of the CBD. This second leak confirms for me that leaks are inevitable so makes no sense quarantining in populated areas.
  4. Excellent reporting PF. I think you've found your calling in life. There hasn't been much mention of Fritsch in any of the reports (that i can remember). How's he looking and is he kicking straight?
  5. I’m certainly in favor of the match going ahead. It gets pretty tedious in lockdown so having a game to watch helps pass the time.
  6. looks like a 5 day lockdown on the way. I wonder whether the game will go ahead.
  7. Whatever about the intentions we all know the consequences. The fate of indigenous Australians is the same as every vanquished people the world over since time began. Defeat, subjugation and dispossession. We can argue all day about the history of it but it won’t change anything about where we are at which is that the indigenous population of this country feel justifiable resentment and anger because of the ongoing consequences of the colonisation of this country. As a nation, we have to deal with this issue. The uluru statement from the heart offers a pathway. I think we should all engage with it and hopefully we can create a future where our indigenous population feel a part of this country. I mean, what do we have to lose? By far and away the most disappointing aspect of this sorry affair is that Collingwood, a major sporting and cultural institution in this country, had the perfect opportunity to start a conversation, to lead the way. And instead, buffhead Eddie completely stuffs it. Another wasted opportunity.
  8. Well done young man getting a spot on the list. We're all wishing you nothing but success and hopefully you can match the deeds of your old man.
  9. I thought i'd take the heat of you D. It must be lonely for you being the only one making ridiculous comments all the time!
  10. I’m no fan of Eddie. He should have handed over the reins a long time ago. He has run his mouth off way too often and made some indefensible comments over the years. And he has to be one of the worst commentators to endure. Hopefully he gives that away for good as well. The only time I want to see Eddie is for the ritual camera shot of him when Collingwood lose. I’ll miss that. I do hope the TV companies maintain that custom. All that said, pretty sure we wouldn’t be fumbling around trying to get our home base project off the ground if Eddie was in charge.
  11. Not the worst idea for a stop gap (assuming his health is ok) but I don’t think we need to be looking at emergency options yet. BB will be back in rounds 2-3 and we have cover in TMac, LJ and M Brown until then.
  12. Wonder how Laurie and Bowey feel, watching this footage and seeing the coach question their selection?
  13. I still reckon we should make the 8 at the least. We didn’t have B Brown last year and Weid was in the 2’s for the first 6 weeks (I think) so we’re pretty much as you were and we should have played finals last year. A leaner TMac to find some form, LJ to continue his development and Fritsch to bring his shooting boots. Petracca to chip in. Maybe Maxy bobs up with a few. Midfielders to deliver half decent ball and we should be ok. We won’t be blowing teams away but we should still win more than we lose. B Brown will be back and should be hitting his straps by rounds 6-8 and we’re in business. The danger now is we do exactly what Kane Cornes said we would do, let our heads drop, lose winnable games early and have to play catch-up for the season.
  14. I had a lot of faith in Weids and thought the arrival of BB would be the catalyst for him allowing him to take the second defender each week. He's missed a lot of games over the few seasons through injury and poor form. I'm starting to lose faith.
  15. I think we should wrap TMac, LJ and Mitch Brown in cotton wool until round 1.
  16. This is fckd. Stage set perfectly for TMac to redeem himself. Come on Tommy boy, we need you to come through for us.
  17. If he turns the clock back and fires like its 2018 then i'll tip my hat to him. Don't think it'll happen though.
  18. He may no longer officially be president of Collingwood but the reality is the club and Eddie are joined at the hip. He’s all over the TV and radio so it’s not like he going to quietly wander off into the sunset. How can the new president and board get any clear air to settle into the role and chart a new path when Eddie is so ubiquitous. It’ll be like the former PM’s sitting on the back benches. He’ll be there, looming large in the background ready to comment on each and every issue the club faces. I can’t see him toeing the party line and keeping his comments to himself. Plus it’s pretty obvious he didn’t want to leave so what are the chances he becomes a destabilising influence, bides his time before the challenging the new board and re-takes what he believes is rightfully his? A very interesting transition period coming up.
  19. I agree with the sentiment. Unfortunately for Eddie he was a very poor listener.
  20. The recruiters should have final say. Goody might not be around too much longer so he shouldn’t be making the end decision.
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