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Everything posted by BDA

  1. I'm hoping the cats get up Swans will beat the pies and we'll beat the cats in the prelim
  2. Intense pressure but skills pretty poor this game. Both teams very beatable I'm starting to feel better watching this
  3. Jamie Elliot missing very gettable goals is a bad sign for the pies. He's their most reliable kick for goal
  4. Gary Rowen being Gary Rowen already. Very poor set shot
  5. I'm telling myself whoever wins will get beaten by us in the prelim
  6. I'll be watching this game. seeing one of Geelong or the pies lose will help cheer me up
  7. We can still win it but our big guns need to fire. Too many top liners were down last night
  8. Our stars most certainly did not dominate last night other than Clarry. Max had a mare, Trac was injured, sub par performances all round It's amazing we managed to stay in the game as long as we did actually
  9. I hope the Cats and pies knock lumps out of each other and a close heart breaking loss for one of them, i don;t care which one
  10. Clutch goal from Bannan. Special talent. she'll kick on from here after a quiet start to the season for her
  11. Make sure to have someone video it and post on DL
  12. Would a week off be better for him and back the team in to beat the Lions without him? I don't know
  13. There's a "Fill The G" thread where posters can go to vent about the fanbase. Posters have different expectations about crowd participation. Fair enough But the notion that the Swans supporters were louder than us is a load of bollocks
  14. We do want to be gee'd up but its a 2 way street. the team were uninspiring for the most part
  15. Unless we change structurally by bringing TMac in i'm not sure there's a lot of point making changes at this stage. Just swapping deck chairs The boys need to find and bring their best
  16. Sharpness. The heart and effort is there but we're just not as fresh or polished as we were this time last year. Maybe the contested game plan is too taxing, I don't know tbh
  17. I bough tickets in a Swans designated area M15. Reckon it was about 50/50 Swans/Dees fans No way were the Swans fans in that section louder than us
  18. Someone started a thread after the game last night. Reckoned we should have got Clarkson in. Mods must have deleted it
  19. Led the way but unfortunately no one else followed him Appears to have sorted out his goal kicking so he's now the full package. Flawless. Best player in the league
  20. Very disappointing night. The boys did not bring their best. Can’t afford sub-par performance in a final. It’s as simple as that Max out on the full early in the game. Missed Melks by about 10 meters. Set the tone for his night. He had one of his poorest games of the year. He’s a champion so I expect him to bounce back. Trac injured, Brayshaw butchered, Viney was so so, the whole team fumbled all night Nibbler would sweat blood for the cause but he had a shocker last night. And none of Spargs, Kossie or Nibbler are brining the intense forward heat like last year We are crying out for a KPF2 to straighten up this team. TMac is sorely missed. Max is not the answer Melks had to kick those goals. He stays in next week but he was uninspiring We’re good enough if we get back to basics, manic intent and pressure, no fumbling. The players need to perform better. And our leaders need to lead the way Sudden death next week. I’ll be there cheering loudly.
  21. The Swans weren’t unsociable. They were tough and clean whereas we fumbled and butchered the ball Dermie is a numpty
  22. The Dees fans around me were cheering and getting behind the team The Swans fans were not louder than us until the last quarter when the game was done I don't get this Dees fans are quiet line.
  23. he's the best ball user we have
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