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Everything posted by BDA

  1. Come on girls. a 5-goal quarter would do nicely for our percentage
  2. He's yesterday's man. Shows how clueless this St Kilda board are by bringing him back
  3. Just realised its Robert Harvey as special comments. Jeez he's boring
  4. Sloppy start to the second half from us. Missing targets
  5. We're playing well. Our connection and fluency is very good. Keep the foot to the throat girls. Suns will fold so its a great opportunity to make up percentage
  6. She's the most skilful player in the league
  7. Gilliards positioning not good there
  8. Daisy and Bannan have dropped a couple of marks but the delivery inside 50 has been excellent. the men should take note
  9. Lily's field kicking has improved out of sight this year.
  10. Daisy playing very well. Took a couple of strong marks and has kicked her goal Suns very limited so far
  11. Hopefully the new environment helps you reach you potential Sam. all the best
  12. I predict Lyon will fail at the Saints this time around. The comp has moved on from his game style
  13. No ill will towards Luke but i hope Freo tank next year cos we have their first pick. A bottom 4 finish for them would be great
  14. Missed him badly. I’m not hopeful his foot will heal but really hope it does
  15. Dominant performance from the Lions last night. Very impressive. they are rightful favourites to win it. They move the ball well, are a match for anyone on the inside and have plenty of outside run. They're going to be hard to beat
  16. Agree. Very good game. Pity there's no crowd there to watch it.
  17. Partner in crime indeed. They'll be hitting the town together If i was Geelong i'd be keeping Stack well away from Stengle
  18. If he was a KPF then maybe but we don't need to be taking a punt on defenders with behavioural issues
  19. Yze was lucky to miss out on the Essendon gig but there aren;t many jobs out there. He can't be choosy. If he gets the opportunity to coach the Saints he should take it That said it looks like they want an experienced coach to try and coax something from this group. good luck. Other than King and Steele there's not much to work with
  20. Good job the Suns don't have any fans otherwise you'd be inundated with text messages
  21. We all know how the saints' fans feel. We were that hopeless club not so long ago. Thank God we have a proper board now. Real competence and fortitude to stick the course is actually quite rare.
  22. He should focus on the footy cos he won't make it as a tiktok influencer.
  23. Huge game tonight between the Lions and Crows. A draw would be a great outcome for us (remote but not impossible given the low scoring in a AFLW games) as it means we will be top the table with a win v the Suns. Given our soft run home we just need to win our remaining games rather than make up percentage and it won't matter what the Crows or Lions do. Finishing top is crucial as playing Lions or Crows away in a final is a tough ask
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