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Flag Favourites 3019

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Everything posted by Flag Favourites 3019

  1. You removed my post last night about a video doing the rounds of Jesse with his pants down and his mouth moving like a pendulum on the basis it was yet to be reported. Well it looks like this morning it now has been by the Age. https://www.theage.com.au/video/video-sport/video-sports-hq/freemantle-suspend-jesse-hogan-20190318-5chiw.html
  2. Jack Watts once told me he liked my chest.
  3. Can confirm I am not those people. Long time lurker and Melbourne supporter from Perth.
  4. I said he wasn’t willing to put in the hard yards to become a champion not just an okay or good footballer. Hard yards includes behaviour at training, on game day AND outside of that. His behaviour on the weekends and time off (which we all know too well in Perth) since he joined MFC and not just after tragic events demonstrates my point exactly. Further, talks about his poor body language and arrogant swagger on game day have been consistent throughout his career, not just after tragic events.
  5. The main point in my post is that our team is better off with May than Hogan. To say I’m wrong when we haven’t played a season is simply ridiculous.
  6. I don’t doubt that he has been a wonderful trainer but training is only half of what it takes to reach your full potential. Being a great AFL football is a full time job. He has been a party boy with poor body language since his inception. The tragic circumstances of recent do not change that...He started off well but where’s the exponential development we all expected (and yes I acknowledge he’s been played up the ground last year)...Time will tell, that comment is fair. Very happy to eat humble pie. Yes his life has been hard, that goes without saying surely....
  7. Time will prove one of us right and one of us wrong.
  8. Take a bow Neville Jetta. Wonderful footballer, wonderful human being.
  9. Mark my words, our club and supporters will be celebrating the Hogan and May swap for years to come. While I wish Hogan all the best and still think he will be an okay footballer, he screams of Watts and Sylvia 2.0. All young players oozing with talent (and taken at high picks) who drank their own cool aid before putting in the hard yards to become the champions they all had the potential to become. Many fans, including myself, were sad to see Sylvia and Watts go (like Hogan) when they were traded but our club has grown from strength to strength pushing out these party boys who were stains on the professionalism of our club and the focus we need to win a premiership. Well done Mahoney and co. Give me lower picks who are are hard working like Gawn, Jetta and Harmes any day of the week. Albeit not a ‘party boy’, worried about Petracca. Hoping guys like Viney, Brayshaw and Oliver keep him focused to become the superstar we all know he has the potential to become. Do not underestimate the importance of the leadership, professionalism and hardness that May will bring being a former captain and proud Indigenous Australian. All three traits we need to win the cup and all three traits Hogan lacked. Cannot wait for the May vs Hogan match up when we player the Shockers.
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