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Matsuo Basho

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Everything posted by Matsuo Basho

  1. Brisbane are dead keen on Jayden Hunt. I hope we keep. Very promising player with scope for improvement.
  2. You keep bringing up this mythical long-term offer that Freo are supposed to have presented him, Patches. There is zero evidence of this. All that’s known is they courted Jesse, conducted due diligence on his foot and heaven knows what else, then dropped him like a cold 4nTwenty pie on the back of a sham offer they knew we’d be insulted by. You can either believe it’s a negotiation tactic on their part, or buy into the troublesome prospect that they were spooked by something that hasn’t come to light. MFC diehards are naturally not going to want to entertain rumours of the latter.
  3. A couple of things. - As DaisyCutter pointed out Hogan was an U18 AA defender. - Virtually NO-ONE foresaw that Tom MacDonald would adapt from his switch from back to forward to become one of the best goalkickers in the league. Jesse Hogan is a professional footballer playing at a club with genuine premiership hopes. If as has been reported the coach told him at his exit interview that he may be joining the backline group in 2019 then he should’ve sucked it up and said “no worries Goody wherever the team needs me.”
  4. Did Freo offer him a “truckload of cash”? This has become fact on this forum but may not be true at all. We might have to consider that Freo saw something that spooked them during their due diligence process. Perhaps the nonsensical 11 & future second rounder offer was purely a face saving gesture and they now have zero interest. The more I think about Bell’s sloppily written statement the more I am inclined to think that’s what’s happened. They’re not bluffing, they’ve gone cold on him. Love to know why.
  5. The party line. If he was happy to stay he’d have inked a three year extension months ago.
  6. He’s at a club on the verge of sustained finals success and possible premierships but to quote Mahoney is “happy to be traded back to WA”. If that doesn’t blare “uncommitted” to you, what does?
  7. Me too. I want a backline capable of standing up in prelim and grand finals. We can win the premiership without an uncommitted, wantaway Jesse Hogan. I’ve yet to hear, feel or see anything from this player that he’s 100% committed to the cause of the red & blue. One foot in, one foot out. Now desperate to leave. Why would you want that bad energy on your list? Brings the joint down.
  8. If you think they’re offering rubbish now just wait 12 months.
  9. This is completely wrong. Freo can offer Melbourne the same or most likely much worse trade terms next year with Hogan coming out of contract. We’ll be forced then to take the scraps that they offer up or maybe a late first round pick (16-18) from West Coast ... if they’re interested. Dees won’t have much of a leg to stand on next year and Freo know it.
  10. What if you don’t actually own the Ferrari? You’ve merely got rights to it for another year. ?
  11. A lot of people here are going to be disappointed with what we receive for Hogan if he is traded. The player wants out and the Dees are clearly keen as mustard to move him on. If we can get May in the door and a sweetener he’s gone. Hell I suspect the club would simply be happy now if it was just a straight May in, Hogan out arrangement. A gun fullback and clear air is the preferable choice to holding on to a sulky wantaway forward bound cheaply for Freo or WC next year IMO. Get it done now Josh any way you can.
  12. I’d be all for this. We need to get Hogan off the books and out of the club. I agree with ProDee, the player has totally lost me and we’re better off doing a deal somewhere else and cutting our losses. Hogan doesn’t want to stay at Melbourne whereas a guy like Steven May is dead keen. Get players into your club who buy in and want to be there. Hogan clearly doesn’t want to be a part of our successful premiership era. No worries ... Adios muchacho!
  13. Trade fortnight is ALWAYS like this to varying degrees and they have never intervened before. The AFL can’t dictate to clubs who they should and shouldn’t trade for. How ridiculous.
  14. If you consider pick 18 or so from West Coast ‘fair compensation’ for Hogan then yes you will happily get your wish next season.
  15. Posters who think Jesse is going to suddenly embrace the club and sign a long term deal to stay at Melbourne are in for a rude shock. What’s happened here is Bell promised Hogan and his manager that Freo have a lucrative deal waiting for him end of 2019 if he can’t bend Melbourne over this year (which is the way it’s panned out). This whole circus sideshow continues on for another 12 months so that Freo can hold on to Neale/pick 5. We should have traded out Hogan two years ago when he insisted on that stupid two year extension. It was a huge red flag that he was never truly committed to the MFC and now it’s blown up in our face is Freo try to rip us off and get him on the cheap. We better learn our lesson from this and never let a player dictate the length of a contract extension to us again. Recipe for disaster.
  16. Sorry but this is a rubbish post. Fremantle tapped Jesse up and knocked on our door, never the other way ‘round. The MFC has handled itself with class and dignity in this thing unlike our pea brained purple counterparts.
  17. I have heard this as well. If he remains at the club (which now looks a certainty) Goodwin plans to trial him across halfback pushing up to a wing. Some might scoff at the suggestion but how many supporters predicted TMac would become a 50+ goal a year forward two years ago? This could very well be a premiership winning move. No risk, no reward!
  18. I’m weighing up which is the more bizarre thread, this one or the Harley Bennell thread. Line ball.
  19. Today’s outcome was predicted by science, folks. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5718081/amp/Scientists-confirm-short-man-syndrome-REAL.html
  20. It’s not getting done. Can you picture self-styled hardman Peter Bell knocking on our door again, cap in hand Oliver Twist style? Neither can I.
  21. Best post in thread RTG. Absolutely spot on. Small man syndrome at its worst.
  22. Who then? Can’t be Freo. Even if they’re banking on Hogan coming on the cheap next year this is still a massive balls up for a club that is wallowing down the arse end of the ladder. No guarantees what might happen in 12 months. Garry Lyon got it right - “getting cute” like that has a way of coming back to bite you on the bum. Watch the pressure get heaped on Ross as the losses and thrashings mount next season. No-one at Freo will be laughing then. Absolute idiots.
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