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Wollongong Demon

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Everything posted by Wollongong Demon

  1. Weid played 2 good finals and was great to see given Jesses departure. Alas 2 gamnes is not enough for me. Garlett has stopped playing good footy and another biug scorer in Kent has gone. Its not enough to hope Tmac kicks all our goals. 1 gun frwd and an unproven one wont help us win a flag. God forbid Tmac misses some of thhe season again. May is a good player but not a replacement for Hogan. Forwards win matches not defenders. Yes JH was always going home but the Mfc must find more goal kickers to make a GF.
  2. Sometimes it does feel like this club is a 7/11 for some of the others but the Mfc did the right thing with Watts and the Jesse case had many elements to it. My disappointment is not just Jesse but losing Kent and Garletts form. 3 big goal kickers missing.
  3. Good effort but 2nd to the ball. No impact at all.
  4. With the exception of five I think they all did. Like Tigers last night we were not switched on. Happens to the best of them. I think we got a head of ourselves. Young side. Did well to get there but nomatter who you are a prelim in Perth is a harx job to do. A pox on all those who juyst booed non stop. Cant wait for the gf so you can see what its lime.
  5. Talk about chaos football. Captain Hone zero trackles is wrong. Very wrong. Unfortunately not alone. False dawn but we did well to get to a prelim. So sad we played so poorly. I like Spargo but you cantvplay Afl if you cant kick 30 m its goodbye. Lewis and Tyson worst games ever. Gawn the same. Hannan great at Casey only. Weid just too inexperience and back to hos old self. Anb mia. Tackles well but not a ball getter. Please revise are pregame routine. Geez so long for a finals birth and we play like flogs. Im sure they are gutted. Eagles fans are seriously poor people. Whatever h appened to sportmanship? They are unAustralian pices of excrement and I for one will being hoping Pies just smash them. Thanks for a great season Dees.
  6. Very sad way to end an awesome season. VERY SAD. Bye.
  7. Geez wots with the boo at all costs. I am buying a pies scarf tmw.
  8. FU Nichols you are a [censored] dirty hopeless umpire with a vendetta.
  9. So much for our miidfield.
  10. We have been pathetic. Have not sighted Jones. Absolute panic. Nasty crowd with their poor booing. Its an ugly look for W.A to behave so badly. I know we have won here a few times but I think most of us had a bad feeling. 60k supporters to 2k is too big an adv. Gee game over at the 13 minute mark 2nd quarter is just shameful. Lewis should retire. Someone else should go as well.
  11. Geez Nichols should just put an eagles jumper on.
  12. Its the mad booing for no reason that mnakes me totally hate thi s club. I want to see some tackles from us that smash them so they wont win a flag.
  13. we need to slo w it right right down and take out nichols
  14. This crowd is a bunch of booing sheep.
  15. lewis total brain fade
  16. Its astonishing that bucks is taking pies to a GF after so many demmanding he go.
  17. Thats below the belt. Oh wait
  18. Tiges are gone. Only started there A game of pressure after half time. Too little too late.
  19. I thought Tigers looked more nervous during the national anthem.
  20. Twas judging by their performance tonite Uranus.
  21. How did richmonde beat us?
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