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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. This thread just represents the hysterical nature of demonland it is why i always say to family and friends reading demonland is akin to being trapped on public transport with hysterical 13 year old schoolgirls.
  2. Have yo forgotten there are are a lot of fools on this site.
  3. If you think this is all we are going to get you have a lot to learn about.
  4. Lack of work ethic could be one reason.
  5. Well it's quite clear others know more about these matters than you do.
  6. Like most football supporters why don't you prioritise being smart over a dumbar*e.
  7. We know it's fugazi and it won't or shouldn't affect the team performance but I don't want to listen to or read about it every time I pick up a paper and I am quite certain Goodwin would not want to answer questions about Hogan at every press conference.As far as the team is concerned I don't give a rat's who plays as along as they end up being successful.
  8. I don't want Hogan to stay next year unless he signs a long term contract before pre season as all we are going to hear until the end of next season from the media is about whether he will stay or go, had enuff of this crap already.
  9. I have sent a few of them emails over the years letting them know what i think of them, I always give my name, address and phone number but not one of them has contacted me which surprises me because I often send cc's to other people so the sewer rats could have a go at me for slander if they so desired.
  10. Good spot Moama, a mate of mine owned Wimbi holiday resort there for about 6 years.
  11. All she is, is another member of the media sewer rat pack.
  12. The only thing that will put it to bed is if Hogan signs a long term contract with mfc very shortly, otherwise this talk will continue on forever if this current rumor turns out to be just that.I personally don't give a stuff whether he goes or stays.
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