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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Given Viney's predicament, I can see the value (and perhaps necessity) in bringing back Tyson. But it all just feels so familiar. We drop Tyson because he's slow and keeps turning the ball over to opposition, then clamour for his return after a week in the 2s on the basis that maybe he's gotten faster and improved his disposals in the week off? The same goes for Bugg, but double. So we can't risk his return for such an important game. I thought we were pretty decent on Saturday without Tyson/Bugg. Hannan didn't set the world on fire, but I see more potential in him developing than I do with Tyson, who is static, and costs us goals.
  2. Stats don't lie, the man is a freak - I can't wait to see how much he develops in the next 50/100/200 games!!
  3. Still gutted by last night's game (the fumbles, the inability to capitalise in our forward 50, the passengers in our team), but this is one of the best counter posts I've read so far. Keeping positive, despite the burning in my gut that I've seen this show before...
  4. I also thought it might be better after a few glasses of red, but no such luck. May as well finish the bottle. Unlike the Dees today, I'm seeing this through to the end! ? ... ☹️
  5. Yep, absolutely. We are surely the quickest team to score against. Whenever I see the ball cross into the other half, I almost always chalk it up as a score, because I'm so used to it.
  6. I know we're a young side, and we're learning, and it's a long year of footy, and there's always next week etc etc etc ... But geez, if the fact that we got smashed by the Hawks (again) wasn't sad enough, then you just have to look at the fact that we smashed them in the first qtr and then did the classic Melbourne thing and left the building. Today's game? I've seen that show before...
  7. Use my knowledge of tax law to claim that my membership payments are actually charitable donations. Apply the component of my tax refund to host a garage sale (with sausage sizzle), and sell all my earthly possessions. Become a monk. Move to Austria, never to speak of football again. (Or just remain calm, have faith - not sure which, yet - it may depend on size of loss).
  8. Trac/Gawn/Oliver all excellent (minus 'that' moment). Came back in q3 where historically we have tended to fold, and let the game blow out. Took a top4 team to the brink, even though we didn't play as well as we could have. Yes, they were sans Danger and Harry, but we were also missing TMac and Jack. (I was there, it was electric - we'll fine-tune, it's going to be a great year - thanks for the positive post @billyblanks29)
  9. Bit dramatic, to be sure. I'm just pumped for Sunday. Bring it on!
  10. This is terrible... BUT if we are truly to become the great club we should be, then this is just a test and some of the other guys will step in the fill the void. We have plenty of talent and some interesting newbies, such as Bayley Fritsch to remind us that we're more than 2 players. This is also a great opportunity for Weideman to step up. We have a great list. Let's go, boys!! So excited for Sunday.
  11. GOLD, could be the best post I've read in this thread. I've processed different emotions regarding the process of Jack's exit: shock, dismay, disbelief, regret (I love a good story of redemption), and anger, but it is now done and if this hasn't sent a rocket through the list, nothing will. There's a clear message here, and it is one of an uncompromising mission for success in 2018, and beyond. For years we've kept things the same and wondered why things have not changed - but here we go! I wish Jack the best, he seems like a pretty chill guy, but I'm really excited for the years ahead. We've turned a corner here.
  12. This makes the most sense, totally agree. [Please let this be the case...]
  13. Given the percentage that cost us a spot in the finals, having Jake in the team would have saved some of those precious points scored against us. If we had made the finals, who knows what could have happened. We beat most teams in the top 8. We beat Adelaide, and should have beaten the Tigers (before we choked - in a game where Jake's skills could have stemmed the tide). So players like Jake make a difference, and lift the rest of the team. This trade is costly, but you always get what you pay for. We're paying for 10 years of actual defence, and youngsters to one day learn from Jake and the others who have benefited from his presence. The fact that Jake wants to be here shows we're on the right track. Bring on 2018.
  14. Thank you to everyone who makes this forum happen. It looks like a hell of a lot of effort! Prior to joining (only very recently, as my post number suggests), I was an occasional lurker... I joined because I was broken after the end of our 2017 season, and was looking for other broken souls to help ease the pain (weird, right?), but instead, I found other likeminded, spirited Dees with interesting and thoughtful banter (not to mention another way to spend time that should instead be devoted to work/chores/filing tax returns). I mean, look at that JW thread! One day, it's going to need to be printed with a table of contents for ease of reference! Looking forward to more of this as time goes by, but hopefully we'll next be talking about how we went from 9 to Premiers in 2018! (then 5 more for good measure, to make up for the lost years).
  15. Thanks to Google (the knower of all things), I do now! haha it's perfect!
  16. I'm (now) 4 posts in and just realised I've spun no yarn (thanks @Ethan Tremblay)... Hmmm, I'm a lawyer working in the state taxes field, married to someone far wiser than me, I love music (currently spinning new albums from The Horrors, Protomartyr, Wolf Alice, Foo Fighters, LCD Soundsystem, but I love anything really, from 90s Smashing Pumpkins to metal, electro, and some pop), and good TV (favourite recent shows include Bojack Horseman, Rick and Morty, Master of None, Fargo, The Handmaid's Tale, Catastrophe and GoT). In my spare time, I catch up with good people, sit in the sun (when Melbourne is good enough to get it), and I run @theshortnews on Instagram and other channels with the similar name where I use Lego to tell the news. I have a strange sense of humour (might explain the Dees thing, but Jimmy handballed me the footy 29 years ago, and that was that). Nice to meet you all - look forward to some good chats!
  17. Thanks for the kind words and warm welcome. Totally agree, Ron - Mahoney has been fantastic. Jack dominating next year would be a sight to behold. With a few more recruits, lessons learned and some self-belief, we'll be unstoppable. For sure! But it would be a hell of a journey to watch! @willmoy
  18. Thanks for the profile pic, ManDee! Love it. It's so me....and it's red, but mostly blue. Perfect!
  19. Long time lurker, first-time poster. Hi, everyone! Big JW fan, but I guess much of that is premised on the fairytale of converting potential to success, much like the club itself. Up until now, I've been highly unimpressed with the handling of this matter. Yes, JW has had his moments (pre-season /his perceived lack of hunger etc.), and he has been frustrating because of the disparity between his best and worst. It's all exacerbated by the #1 tag and his 9 years at the Dees. But he loves the club, and saw us through some dark times. We need people like that. But, I totally agree that things can't stay the same for things to change. So, Mahoney's comments today are comforting. I now believe there is a chance of JW staying, but that if he does, there is no question whatsoever (Wattsoever?) that he is a leader, and needs to act and play as one. He won't ever be a hard nut like Chunk and Viney, or the fastest on ground, but he's silky and reads the game better than most, and when he's at his best, we play better for it. He's my choice for goal 50m out, after the siren, and one day that could win us a game/final/GF. But if he goes, I will also know that he was not prepared to be the player we need him to be (or was not able to convince Goody/PJ of this). I'm still kind of broken by 2017 (and other years), hence my name, but I see big things and I'd love for JW to be there. My gut feel is that he'll be there, and he'll be amazing. But I'm a dreamer. I have to be as a Demon, otherwise I'd have checked myself into a psych ward years ago. I need a profile pic...
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