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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Loving this setup. Fritter needs to stay up forward. Tomlinson and Langdon look great. Trac awesome. Like what I'm seeing from Bedford and Jackson up forward. Great signs! Harmes needs to stay in the middle.
  2. Wait, so the whole team is responsible for on field leadership... making each person as responsible, accountable and empowered and as the next?! Preposterous! (I love this)
  3. This is fantastic news. No unnecessary, confusing shared captaincy gig, and the right man is now in the role. Jack can focus on being a bull, Gawny inspires the troops. Now let's get to winning that flag.
  4. I feel sick in my guts agreeing with Cornes. But I do... Last year we started underdone, lazy and with an air of entitlement, which contributed to the outcome. This year we're doubling down on that stupidity with a pre-emptive success story. It takes balls, or unchecked levels of ignorance and arrogance to do something like that. Kane said it well, we need to read the room. Anyway, I don't know why, especially after the horror of last year, we don't just fly under the radar. Say absolutely nothing in the preseason. And I mean NOTHING. Not just some straight bat responses, but a "thank you for your question, but we're dedicating all our energy to combating the horror or last year, together with our recent, substantial, history". Then come out at first bounce, stealth like, and wallop everyone with all the skills we mustered, and show off the fitness results from Burgess etc. They'll never see it coming because as of right now, we're still a basket case... ... And we said nothing! THEN we make/release the documentary. #stealth
  5. Haha sorry @chook fowler that was a bit of a riff on this discussion, in relation to the video showing some of Harley's highlights.
  6. I'm feeling pretty good about this! It's risky, but a potentially hugely rewarding thing for a (finally) forward thinking MFC to do! This would be caviar on the cake.
  7. Works hard, improves every year, and loves the club - GREAT OUTCOME! Even more exciting is that with some depth in our midfield, he can be used better (stop roles when necessary etc), which means that he'll continue to grow. I can see James holding up the cup one day, beaming with the unique joy of a childhood dream being realised.
  8. So we've possibly narrowed this down to 3 cities? Haha (I appreciate Harley seems to have indicated that he wants to play in Melbourne).
  9. Looks good, although he could mean the scG (incidentally, what do Sydneysiders call their ground? Ours is the G because there's no point in saying the M bit, so surely it's the same in Sydney). All that aside, I think we're looking pretty good. I hope Harley sees the promise and genuine excitement in our future, and not the dark cloud of potential basket case that seems to look above us every year.
  10. Totally agree, although to be fair these 'lowly' teams looked (and finished) a great deal better than us this year. While we're clearly capable of a lot more and should correct it next year, from the outside, these guys are probably wondering whether we'll be a basket case again next year and therefore avoid us, and choose one of the teams that are on the up. But still, would love to see this get done. I think we'll have a great year and Harley would be a pretty exciting part of that.
  11. Pretty low risk here, but the potential reward is huge. We're a club with nothing to lose and everything to gain, so why the hell not? Worst case is he doesn't get on the park and can hang out with Vanders in the gym?
  12. I think it's great that we're playing the Eagles away first up. If this year was an aberration, and the boys put in a massive offseason, and we truly mean business in 2020, then this is the perfect way to start the year. We can punish the team that embarrassed us in 2018 and get other teams asking questions. A lot of IFs, I know - with the entirely possible outcome being that we get thumped (Kelly with 4 goals and a bajillion assists), but I actually think we'll come out on top and it'll kickstart our premiership season. It's been a long day, dream with me. Look out yonder.
  13. Phew, was worried for a second we'd continue to keep this list clogger for another year. I wish him well with a very brave second club, but am happy we're finally making some good, long overdue decisions.
  14. I agree with all of this in theory. Now we just need the boys to knuckle down in the preseason, and put it into practice, consistently in 2020.
  15. Yeah they seem like alright dudes. They were each given ample opportunities to make it with us, but just couldn't do it. Sometimes that's just how it is. In saying that, I'm happy they will no longer clog up our list, and hope they get picked up elsewhere.
  16. B+ for me, with the possibility for an upgrade depending on how we use #3 and #8. Two starting players in much needed positions, plus the possibility of Jack Martin, or two gun newbies is a great outcome. What happened to Stretch and JKH?
  17. Bold, but I like it especially in light of the academy/father-sons tied up in next year's draft. Plus, maybe it means we're after a late big-ish fish before the trade ends! Gotta take chances to reap rewards. This might be one of those, and taking it from North makes it even sweeter haha
  18. I'm pretty happy with our work so far, we have gotten who we said we would, and they fill a very big hole in the team. I don't know if it's Friday, or the drinks I had after work, but if the boys takea good look at themselves and work hard in the offseason, and play to a good gameplan, I think we have a big 2020 ahead. A lot of IFS, sure, but I've had a lot of drinks.
  19. So long, Frosty! I won't miss some of that decision making, but I will miss those wild dashes out of the backline! That said, I hope that whoever is on him in the future kicks 10 against him.
  20. I don't know why we're not looking at Butler. He's not a star, sure, but he is a goal sneak, and we don't really have any of those anymore. I think we need to stop looking at recruiting just stars. The Tigers recruited to fill roles and found guys who could be developed and work together as a team. We could do a lot worse for a low, cheap pick.
  21. Can't argue with much of this. I know Trac has not hit his potential but having him alongside Wagner makes no sense. It's ruthless, but let's be honest, the fact that this list was overrated, and probably self-overrated by the players themselves contributed to our result this year.
  22. Welcome, Adam! Will be interesting to see how he goes on the wing, but he's quick, can take marks (which I can't say about many of the current lot), and give Maxxy some relief in the ruck - plus he already has a lot of finals experience! With guidance and development, I reckon Adam will be a great grab!
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