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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Hey guys, we might be bad now (like, really, really bad), but just you wait until we get our connection going! Then ooooh boy it's gonna be raining goals 24/7. ...
  2. Ugh, we've had so many games stolen from us over the years, this would have been a nice steal for us. ... But instead, some fantastic work by Trac was wasted by garbage delivery from Hannan, and stupidity from Fritter - and unfortunately that's the sort of stuff that separates teams. In this case, funnily enough by less than a goal. Not a terrible game at all, but lacking overall execution and polish. Weid misses 3, Harley and Kozzie each with bad misses. Langdon should really get those. If even one of them converts, it's a different story, probably. Ah well, next time aye.
  3. Totally agree, smashed in the clearances. Lions have been really good tbf. We're still in this!
  4. We're lucky to still be in this, I hope we make the most of that good luck in the second half! Our backline has been pretty great. But were smashed everywhere else, and the few times we got the ball, our i50 delivery not good, esp in that second quarter. Umpiring some of the worst I've seen.
  5. Absolutely! It was a real all-rounder sort of performance. He is so young, but is already thinking, looking around the ground etc. Also pumped to see how he'll develop. He's only just started and already doing some sweet things.
  6. Another 4 qtr game!? What's happened? It's almost like we've worked out that it's easier to play for the whole game! You almost don't need a gameplan haha (almost). Trac and Maxxy were magnificent. A+++ Jackson, awesome stuff - so much potential. The extra height around the ground is precious. Weid did exactly what we want from him. More, please! It's crazy how our forwards can kick goals when the ball is actually delivered to them!? Better, so much better. Always a heartwarming feeling to pump the Hawks. The lions will be a real test of where we're at. Would be great to continue this upward trend. Go Dees, finally something to be pleased with amidst all the other mess.
  7. For sure, I thought we were gone. And we should have been, really, as the Blues had their chances. Like every other MFC supporter, I will now spend the next week in the baseless hope that last week was an aberration and that the real Demons will stand up next week...
  8. I got used to no footy during lockdown. I kind of missed it, but it wasn't like I was chomping at the bit to see us back because the game against the Eagles was a painful reminder that we learnt nothing in the off-season and Goody clearly doesn't know what he's doing. And here we are. Footy is back. My team just won and I'm sadder than I have been in the last 3 months because it's painfully obvious that we are a very, very average team. I guess what I'm saying is that during lockdown my team was terrible but at least I couldn't see them be terrible and I could pretend they aren't, or at least it didn't matter (i.e. there are bigger things than footy etc.) Sigh, tough times. I need a drink.
  9. 1 point winners over the Blues! Look at us, giant killers... It doesn't get any better than that! .... It's going to be a very long, short season.
  10. Jack played much better without the weight of captaincy. It's a shame he wasn't joined by the rest of the team, as a whole.
  11. I don't think 'crapola' is used enough. But I also think it probably only applies in very certain circumstances. But that was, in fact, crapola.
  12. If not for Corona, we would be subjected to more of the same for the next 2+ months. It's definitely not a 'thank god for corona' situation, but geez it has pulled its weight in helping us to avoid certain embarrassment. Maybe by 31 May, provided everything is ok, we will be better? We'll be better, right?
  13. Self-loathing? ... Yeah, that's when you're in the last couple of days in the world as you know it, and still subject yourself to this torture. I deserve no better. I'm going to watch this until the end, and then count the sheets on my few remaining toilet rolls.
  14. Guys, it's all about the forward connection!
  15. He hasn't been himself for quite some time.
  16. When we're all in lockdown/self-isolation, maybe Goody will run out of Mad About You reruns, and finally watch 'that' prelim, and maybe this game, too. For lolz, of course, because it's clear he doesn't know what to do about it.
  17. Ah, that's what happens when two of our 'defence' can't be stuffed manning up. The old double ditcheroo.
  18. After watching the first half, I'm certain the team has the coronavirus. The symptoms are all there: - Fatigue (walking around) - Coughing (up the ball) - Fever (explains the poor decision making) Hoping for a full recovery in time to make the finals this year...
  19. I blame the feral crowd, influencing umpire decisions etc.
  20. I hope Gil calls the season right now. At least we can say we COULD have won this/improved this year etc.
  21. If we lose this, and the season is cancelled entirely, we would finish winless - which, to be fair, was a distinct possibility if we continued to play like this.
  22. It's early, but 2020 reminds me a lot of 2019, except for Corona. I guess i50 entries wasn't addressed in the off season? On the upside, Langdon looks great. Kosi and Trac exciting, too. Also, we're being out coached again.
  23. Not all perfect, but it didn't have to be, and we did something we haven't done in a long time, take control and run a game out! We actually look fit. So many positives. Fritter, Tomlinson, Trac, Langdon, Lockhart, Lever, Milkshake. Like what I see of Jackson and Bedford. I think we'll beat the Eagles in R1. We're coming in with some form and by the looks of it self belief. Can't wait!
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