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Red But Mostly Blue

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Everything posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Jesus this game is giving me palpitations. We're ahead and everything, and provided the wheels don't fall off we should run over these twerps. But we've gone from a 'nice problem to have' in not knowing who to pick up forward to we seriously don't know who to pick. TMac has gone off the boil, I thought last round was an aberration. Fritter has had a couple of assists but otherwise nowhere near it. Kozzie quiet. What do we do?! We're going to need to convert against better teams and in finals!
  2. FFS Can somebody, any of the guys in our i50 being paid to kick goals, take a mark and kick a goal!? We're going to get shredded against better teams if we don't fix the forward 50.
  3. Don't know what they're complaining for, Jacko marked that anyway. Good kick Trac
  4. Fritter has been very quiet, really needed to kick that. So did TMac. We could really do with a forward right now.
  5. Everyone seemed to just be standing around while the ball was delivered in the 50???!
  6. I'm happy Trac kicked that, hasn't been his best tonight, and he probably wasn't the best option in the 50. Here we go here we go
  7. Double 50!!! More like 75 in total, but all good. I'll take it.
  8. We didn't deserve that last goal, but hopefully we are smart enough to take advantage of it and start playing some selfless footy in the second half. Clarry and Trac trying to do too much Anyone going to stand up in the 50? Somebody going to get on Merrett?
  9. Now I know this is a joke. Wake me up when this nightmare ends.
  10. That's how bad our forward is. Fritter kicked to literally nothing. And he meant it. Because there was nobody there.
  11. Is this a joke? We are a dead set rabble inside 50 and nobody has any vision to lower the eyes either. Terrible.
  12. Jesus. Where can we find someone who can take a mark inside 50 and score the goal?
  13. I hate goals like that. We've had the ball for 20 minutes and done nothing with it. Get On Stringer
  14. Jesus look at inside 50s, we should be 1000 points ahead.
  15. Lol the smallest guy there marked. Who needs a tall forward? ?
  16. Phew, I was worried about an against the flow goal to the Bombers. Good stuff, go Harmesy!
  17. We're right on it, but it's one of those games so far that for all our dominance I can see a Bombers goal against the flow.
  18. I know this is likely to be one of those 4 goal wins (I hope anyway) (for us, of course), but geez after the Pies game it would be great to smash the Bombers. We need to come out firing and never let up, just to remind everywhere where we are, and why. Go Dees!
  19. I am told bub arrived earlier this week, all healthy :-)
  20. Great to see Viney back, finally!!! We've been a man down with Weid the last few weeks (I still think he presents promise and am hoping this is the rocket he needs to fire up and perform, but also appreciate that there are many who think he has had enough rockets), so Viney and Sparrow both in really adds more pressure against the Bombers, although I think Sparrow has a lot to do to keep his spot in finals. TMac, Fritter, Kossie and co will need to bring the goods, and take their opportunities. Viney will add more defensive run, and we'll need it (collectively) given the Bombers are #2 for points scored. Expecting a relatively high scoring game, so we need to take our chances, and be accountable.
  21. Yeah aerial contest is definitely a non-negotiable. I often wonder why we kick to packs when we have someone like him in the team. It's why I think Melksham has value. He doesn't gather big stats or get in an under packs, but he has great vision and will kick into space for a lead. Weideman probably plays better with people like Melsham and Spargo having a good day. Or the delivery in general being better.
  22. I agree with this. I'm probably in the minority, I think Weid possesses some real talent (leads up well, good set of hands, decent kick - when 'on'), but the chatter about him now almost has a self-fulfilling prophecy feel to it. It's like he's been reading these threads about his lack of contribution, and he's doubled down on that the following week! Much like Jack Watts back in the day, Weid has had almost messianic expectations since Hogan left and TMac went off the boil. He's talented, yes, but we really just need to let him develop (a few weeks here and there won't cut it). Had TMac not re-emerged in the emphatic manner that he has, and/or we did not recruit Brown, I reckon Weid would have played better. But in saying all of this, I get it, we've been playing a man down for a good month+ and his position is not an inconspicuous one. I also suspect he'll be dropped, and it's probably for the best as there will be calls for his blood if he does not perform against the Bombers, and that's not a game we can afford to lose in the run home. It's time for a reset for him as well, get his confidence up (even though he supposedly came in off the back of some blistering performances), and actually address the reasons he hasn't clicked, and develop a plan for his return.
  23. I tell you what, I'd have preferred Maynard played FOR us and not against on Monday. Played a super game. Not sure if we could/should pay the required $$$ for him, but the age/skill profile (with some disposal improvement) fits nicely. Solid replacement for Hibbo, but would be interesting if he stays.
  24. This is true, 'flat by his standards' could be more appropriate. I still reckon he was pantsed against the Pies, but to be fair he was not alone there!! It's a tough gig being such a star, you're scrutinised a lot more!
  25. A great start to the year! LOVED: - The buy-in, belief and confidence from the boys. - The continued rise of youngsters such as Jordon, Rivers, Spargo, Jackson, Kozzie and even ANB. - The impact and dependability of Clarry, Trac, Langdon and Salem, as well as Gus. - Our defensive fortress, including the leadership of May and Lever. - The return of TMac. - Making statements against top 8 sides. - Some interesting coaching moves. Goody has improved, and benefited from improved company. - Although we've been winning, we're nowhere near potential still. We're going to be scary good when we do. DID NOT LOVE: - Starting games slow! - We have not resolved our KPF issue. Is it Brown? Weid? Both? Neither???! Imagine another 2-3 goals a game! (this would have turned the Pies and Crows games) - The dropped games against bottom 8 teams, especially the Pies (I know asking for 13-0 is a lot, but just imagine!!) - Viney's '2-4 week' injury becoming yet another 2 month blowout. - Max has seemed flat for quite a number of weeks now. Looking forward to restarting after the bye with a bang. We need a solid win against the Bombers (they have been traveling ok, we can't start flat - we assumed the win against the Pies and it cost us) and reminding the competition that they're going to have to beat us to win the flag. It'll be great to get Viney back, we miss some of that backwards run, sort out our forward structure and fix our first halves. Very excited! Go Dees!
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