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  1. We would have to be the softest AFL side.. it’s actually comical watching us sometimes.. how the f$$& Goodwin can keep this sh$t game plan is anyones guess😡😡
  2. At the game last night Clarry in know way was sick just pure uninterested and lazy..One player not saying who gave him a fair bake in the second quarter.Goodwin has to stop playing favourites or he will lose some of the players..
  3. I was just wondering if anyone has contacted the club to let them know the feelings of the supporters? I sent them a 2 page email letting them know that I was beyond P$$d off and know reply. I sent it after the Freo game..
  4. I’m saying he wasn’t a elite player tonight or were you watching a different game?
  5. Petracca only elite player…WTF
  6. Gawn is getting around like a big sook…Goodwin is playing his favourites and nothing will change..And he’ll say in the presser we will go back and have a look and we will learn from this..F$$& pathetic..
  7. In serious trouble when we play Collingwood
  8. How in the Hell could our coaches watch Butters run around like he did tonight?? We are becoming a soft and predictable side to coach against and to play against..And as for May and those kick outs WTF
  9. Why is Goodwin playing out of form players? There are players playing for Cassey that should have been in a month ago..
  10. Goodwin has got to stop playing favourites.. Spargo/Sparrow/ANB are not AFL standard also Viney has got to know his limitations..
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