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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. JVR took off to spoil as he was not able to access the flight point to mark. He went up with some force to effectively reach the incoming ball - no contact at that point - but in that split second of hitting the ball (no contact at that point) he was already obeying the laws of gravity (he was already coming down) and a reversing opponent moved into his soft inner arm (not bent or braced) as JVR was descending (by the way, JVR did all that is possible in avoiding deliberate contact or enacting injury to his opponent). That is evident from watching the event, from watching the replays ad nauseum, from an understanding a basic knowledge of the physics of moving matter. JVR is therefore being penalised for what? Taking off the ground and following Newton's laws of gravity? If he had wings or a jet engine strapped for ignition on his back, it would not be an issue....
  2. The Walls of Jericho will come tumbling down...that'll show 'em!
  3. Yes, but looking forward to seeing Frosty play, again. I have missed his unique pitch on the game.
  4. Richo is one of the best, these days. I, too, learn from his insights.
  5. It was a good commentary, and Daisy was so complementary to it - her comments and additional pointers are highly valued - just about the best in the business.
  6. Yep, it will be good to see Frosty play - keeps us all full of smiles and tolerances - admire his speed, too.
  7. Reasonable observation - and given that - possibly a reasonable area for some focus. He most certainly was a little static across the game; I had expected him to be a far more manoeuvrable, running clearance machine.
  8. He's may be a goose, but he hates Melbourne FC and just loves to play the official - even though his capabilities are limited and his rule understandings receive enormous, and embarrassing, levels of criticism. Legitimate concerns arise about the impartiality applied and thus the justice of his 'judge & jury' exclusivities - particularly if remembered for his own blind swipes at opposition players on the footy field in past days. Again, the proof is in the pudding. He needs to be replaced by an expert footballer from any past who was/is without compromise, current favour and the casualisation of scrutiny that leaves so much unfulfilled as his trademark.
  9. Clarrie went berserk for the ball across the final quarter - not all pretty but it illustrated his intent. Combined with the drive from Viney and Tracca, it got us across the line, providing somewhat of a yardstick downfield that saw us win the game. Petty must go back to strengthen our backline and that will hopefully force our wingers to be more productive bringing the ball in. Midfield drive was tough, but acceptable last night and the GCS were revved (to their capacity) and eager to challenge (almost anything). I am sure they sensed an amount of umpire support that 'normally' might not have been granted. That alone is a great motivator for an improving side - as it creates opportunities for unpenalised play and thus, some creativity winning and using the ball. However, a tough-nut game was to be won and the Dees managed to get through (well-enough). Medics, trainers and a freshening of our players will be essential to a dominant scrubbing of Whoreform next game - and it is probably about time that we reduce our experimentation with player allocations and its alleged strengthening. We have the options and personnel to win every match - let's stick more honestly to how that has been highlighted.
  10. May was also rather slow to the contests, as well. Rivers and Bowie did a great deal to cover for him across the game. Petty, surely missed, so must go back (as that would strengthen the backline) and provide more opportunities for Lever to play his area coverage intercept game.
  11. Yes, that really seems like a fair assessment. Wellsy: Do you notice the primary similarities between the Honourable Greg Wells (No.11) and the up and coming fast learner - Chandler?
  12. Yawn. Cornes is bandwagon stuff for the short-term memory. He really lacks depth; rather, he looks for sensationalism placing it under wraps in order to look analytical. Within days, his opinions fragment, dissolve, rot - at least that provides him with a chance or two at finding another few bucks from another few 'non-critical' abstractions.
  13. We are truly well-served by our recruiting team. They have been seeing things in recruits that few others see, ever-saw, then quietly went about the business of securing with deliberation and wisdom. Kozzi, well done, we have all waited for this wonderful news whilst holding respect for your personal decision. That decision is wonderful.
  14. Hunter is an exclusive specialist - the effective vibe hasn't really reached the others yet. Whereas Clarrie is the dive-handball specialist off the carpet and that one completes him as a very hungry ball-magnet in the thick of things.
  15. I have been impressed with JJ - the thought of him linking to the very valuable Chandler seems imminently possible in the creation of an improved forward line. Some more time in the role, please, before the Casey guillotine drops.
  16. Pride in performance outcomes. Let a few 'easies' through and shame creeps in. I thought that it was rather good sportsmanship to allow the struggling Kangas to grasp some dignity from the last three or four minutes of the game; it didn't matter, the game had already been cross-stitched up, ironed out and folded for the cupboard.
  17. JVR seemed to 'under-run' many of his opportunities against North. Slight misinterpretation of the incoming weaponry but getting to the front is critical and he certainly achieved this, taking a key opposition defender with him, out of the hot zone.
  18. On top of his unique, multi-faceted skill set, Chandler's work rate is remarkable, ground coverage unique and opportunist forays are silently outstanding. Nice sense of 'mongrel', as well.
  19. Schache had an orientation match; agreed, he was quiet (and almost mis-placed in the team) but he will benefit considerably from the run - he really does have the tools, enough to come off the outer and some mongrel would assist him to so do, enormously. A fully fit and ready Petty would have had a field day against North last night, strongly reinforcing a thorough backline performance in which the co-ordination of forward ball movement and preventative remedies to opposition scoring stood out quite clearly. What really was noticeable were the links between players right across the field, right across the game - OK, so it was 'only' a re-building North - but it was a supreme 'team' effort with many variations in both 'expected' and 'innovative' role plays benefitting the outcome. Tremendous performances across the field and I'd suggest we would have annihilated any side in the competition with that profile.
  20. JJ has just gotta play against North - whole game intended, not off the bench. It's a dream, but JJ and Chandler as a 'team' heading goalward is a very exciting prospect, one in which Kozzie and ANB can merge, now that we are merging on 'talls', as well.
  21. We must focus on creating the plays across the ground. We should not enter the game with a 'defensive' mindset. That causes us to stand around waiting for something to happen, often too late. We are highly capable of establishing our own terms for the entire match - go out there and do it, Dees.
  22. I'd like the Club to experiment with a tough-nut, take-no-fabric-softener duo in Viney and Dunstan operating out of the centre to free-up, relieve and re-configure the onerous burden we place on Clarrie for every second of the game. As it is, all midfield opponents rotate and feed off our rucks - centre clearances and ball-ups turn out to be raffle tickets from which we repeatedly have to make amends. A couple of G-men in there will help, surely?
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