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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Yes, having been at the game Friday night, I watched carefully to the contributions and team contributions of the selected list. Other than to say that it was a great and co-operative performance, the frequency of the contributions (whilst all very good to excellent with only a few lesser examples), were apparent. This was useful, as it became obvious we had this game by the end of the first quarter, as expected. It enabled me to review for the game next week against the Whoreform team, simultaneously enjoying the negation of the Catty Puts. I'd reckon: Tyson out - not able to contribute consistently and slow in the congestion moments to deliver, so often randomly Fritsch - half-used across the game. Kicking and positioning were good but often ignored as a backman by his teammates. Does not appear to be a backman and consequently, his skillset is half wasted with opportunities reduced as a last-resort avenue. Would do - and can do - far better with his terrific attributes on a forward assignment - possibly flanking or in-close groundwork close to goal. Optional target for marking and we need his kicking skills for improved scoring chances. Could surprise the hell out of the Squawks' defenders, I'd reckon, too Spargo out - great in an open assist passage or two by hand and foot, but easily kept aside across much of the game by ordinary-bodied opponents, and the learning curve/physical development became detractors to his game. He's got it all, though, for next year. Weideman - played better than ever seen before with talent, confidence, intent. Big change in my own opinion of him and it seems September is his month to show it and shine. Jetta - great efforts again, great effectiveness, great linkages. Hope his shoulder (?) is fine by next game. One of our consistent best Lewis - terrific game, leadership, examples ... highly useful in the 2nd/3rd quarters stemming the Catty Puts' best efforts to stay in the game Best Players: Gawn, Harmes, Clarrie, Brayshaw, Viney with apologies to Hibberd and Jetta. Sat in the Ponsford Stand behind the midline of the goals. Sat just behind a Geelong crew so I could hear all of the wise comments across the game. After the first ten minutes, they were all shattered without any signs of an improving outlook. Big Bill Brownless was there; he spent most of the night with his head between his knees in abject misery. Smith, Hunt, JKH and/or Kent might be good acquisitions for the Whoreform game, but where? We need two more 'burners' and another mobile backman.
  2. This team for the Elimination Final is as good - if not better - than any we have previously selected. That is what is mesmerising the fans and supporters - and even the hacks of the past. Geelong are history for 2018.
  3. Experience means nothing when the red hots and blue start creaming the Catty Puts. Hit 'em hard, fast and relentlessly. Go Dees!
  4. I thunk zat oi are a widdle bit anshouse as wull. Can nort thunk strayght and fockuss. Well it parse?
  5. It's a great place, Mate. Good tucker, good beer, good outdoor drinking area upstairs.
  6. He is a good player and he knows it - if we cannot guarantee him more minutes, let's offer him a winning team association and comradeship/culture backed up by a Premiership Flag in 2019.
  7. Geelong are susceptible. Ego-driven predictions and expectations from their players do create lapses in effort and concentration, and their power players exude far too much confidence and assume 'all will be right' on the night. Prepare thyself, Geelong, for a crash. Your ability to transform a game with one or two bursts of scoring are reflections on days past. The rallying that you performed in the past is not possible weekly, and in the very recent past it was shaky. Your players are ageing and slowing; you meet a very fit, keen and capable opponent in the Elimination Final - one who has beaten you all over the ground with its youthful exuberance twice this year to achieve in comparative terms 'an upset' looming and large. If it was not for umpiring standards lapsing in your favour, twice, as a saviour of the finals gate receipts, it would by now be all over; accept it, Geelong, your sun is setting. 'Go Dees!
  8. It is a measure of his worth to the MFC, but just one of a myriad of values that he 'adds' to the team. Hence, a trade is out of the question. What is required is an improved demonstration by the FD of how to better utilise the skills that he has, brings to the team, with which he strengthens the team and produces with the team. Too often, far too often, the ball lands on his head or beyond it, and he receives no support from teammates against his 3 or 4 opponents from delivery using the long bombs. That assumes that there are at least three Dees' players untethered with an opponent at that moment - how come? He is a runner, let him go to the ball.
  9. Some big opportunities there, with Preuss possibly the best of them for our game. Just imagine Gawn with that level of support - what a level he could still reach is almost unprecedented in the history of the game. It would also free up both TMac and Weidemann to continue with their respective development/s as king-hit forwards whilst still providing a diverse, third tier of rucking support if needed.
  10. I'd like to rephrase that a little, just to reflect accuracy, as follows: Geelong beat the Demons at the MCG (with intense, continuously timely, critical positioning near-goalmouth free kicks from the helpful Green Snot Goblins (umpires) across a whole game to keep them in the game, and they also beat Collingwood, which was only fair.
  11. I am conscious of the unique dominance of our midfield in recent weeks, getting stronger and stronger, with Clarrie and Brayshaw providing enormous drive that should not be interrupted. For this reason, I would like to see Viney kept slightly out of it; use him on the bench to come onfield sorting out the Geelong hitmen and scumbag thumpers, one at a time.
  12. For the first time since our last finals appearance, I will be in the Ponsford stand between the goals on the first level - semi-sheltered if it rains. I can remember that it had a great view of the whole ground, largely unhindered, with good views to the scoreboards (which have since been upgraded and are more visible). (Son and I have seats reserved and look forward to the best win of the season, knocking off the Catty Puts and putting them in the 'what happened' ether for this season.) Might take a pair of small field binoculars this time, so that I can see TMac smile at the Richmond end of the ground as he racks up his 7 goals for the game. Go Dees!
  13. I'd reckon that HIbberd serves best as an intercept/break-away style of player; I agree if Joel Smith is luckily considered, he would possibly match up on Dangerfield height-wise, speed & recovery wise, and maybe in the physical positioning/blocking role.
  14. Very possible, quite observable in some games. Let us hope that is the actual case, albeit a step-up to a harder style of game but we have youth, most now with 2 years of hard training behind them. 'Carna Dees!
  15. He just has to get 'em, hold 'em, and kick 'em. He needs some protection in all three.
  16. Across the last month, Dees superior and transitioning better; learned skills are ripping opponents apart. Focus on hitting the Cats hard and denying positional options will win it.
  17. Tremendous question. My thoughts are that Fritsch needs to be fwd and Hannan as well; Fritsch to the bench for rotations fwd. Hannan in selected 18. Spargo has to be the unlucky one at this point.
  18. During the home and away season - at critical times in critical onfield locations - across the season, the MFC were culled, drawn and quartered, emaciated onfield, prejudiced against, disrespected, devalued, violated and abused by the green snot goblins and the AFL itself by direction. Prominent teams could do anything illegal without penalty against us. Now that the scrutiny of finals is so very much more focussed, the 'powers that be for the gate receipt ascension of the game' can little afford to repeat these performances in their judiciary role. In other words, it is less likely that umpires will even try to abominate the laws of the game for the advantage of any team playing against the MFC - or keeping MFC opponents in the game by nefarious decisions until the moment is ripe for taking the game from the MFC. This more focussed finals culmination of the season and the lesser the likelihood of onfield interference (to which others and I have repeatedly referred) will provide a finals environment that is far more even and fair than what the MFC has had to tolerate all through 2027 and 2018. This improvement has enabled many observers - of which Walls is but one - to be able to declare their expectations that the Dees are the team to beat throughout the finals series - and are red hot to take the flag where fairer play applications are involved. Otherwise, where deliberate exercises in the 'advantages' of interfered games occur, these pundits of note would otherwise have to 'shut up' and not acknowledge what has gone prejudicially before (as far as the MFC is concerned, in so many games.) The pundits' interests in AFL dependencies might no longer apply and the truth, justice and evenness of our beloved game may come to fruition - alongside pundit support. For this, onyer Wallsy. 'Carna Demons!
  19. Very true and a good choice, definitely not crowed-affected and that could be a change for the better for the mighty Dees.
  20. Blicavs is a player who rumbles us quite often; he needs to have an 'accident' with a nice run-through from Vanders going about his geographical, field-wide excursions, and a follow-up from Harmes when he (Blicavs) gets up from the carpet.
  21. I could never waste good money on drinks for girls, once I realised (after explanation from a mate and combined observation over two double-dates) that they were competing with one another for the fanciest drink mixed in a shaker, just for them. They seldom enjoyed their drinks, but kept saying that those drinks were 'gorgeous!' yet never savoured the beverages as a bloke does with a beer. If it had an exotic name, that was its prime importance. So, we gave them a couple of 'Stingers", to test the theory; and then, explained why those drinks were called 'Stingers" (2 parts white creme de menthe, two parts cognac, one part vodka). Y'see, goils, when we go up to Hotham for a ski in winter, a certain part of the anatomy gets very cold as we ski very fast. At the end of each run, we duck into the tavern for a Stinger, pop our frozen anatomical piece in our glass and then, back in the trousers. It really works, when the sting is gone, that anatomical monstrosity always feels better, warmer and ready to go. The girls never elected to have a Stinger again. One of them took up an ordinary draught beer, realising her shallowness.
  22. Too right they rate the Dees very highly ... they had to rely on across-the-game free kicks from the umpires to stay in the game and only just managed that ... then for a whole quarter they struggled without the green snot goblins gifting further free kicks to a demoralised Geelong team, to finalise the game on two occasions (two games played) and poor Maxxy had to wear the blame in one of these games. As for the ruck infringement on Dangerfield, I cannot see any player, ever, stooping so low to pull that one ... so beware, several Catty Puts are on the major injury list for this game.
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