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Posts posted by MelbourneRedlegs

  1. The AFL is like a well meaning parent that treats one child better than another whilst firmly believing that they don't play favourites with their children. They believe they are doing what is best for the entire family (The league finacnially as a whole) and have lost focus on caring for the needs of all it's children (the clubs) equally.

    Melbourne will NEVER be treated as well as the pies or the blues, we do't have the money. However, we don't need a draw rigged in our favour and we don't need a multi million dollar training facility, it doesn't matter if you run 20K on an electronic treadmill in the lexus centre or you run 20k in the heat around an oval, you've still run to 20k and have a graeter sense of achievment because you did it the hard way. All we need is a winning attitude, a bit of mongrel and when we win that premiership the hardships faced will make it all so much sweeter.

    Spot on!

    See sig....

  2. Today, as has been said before, is today and tomorrow is another day. As I'm sitting here writing this, I'm looking up at a little framed photo above my pool sticks. It's a photo of the 1900 MFC Premiership Side. There were no Judd's in that team. No Goodes'or Abletts. But rather players who played football to play football. They didn't care about what they had or where they trained. They played for the jumper and for each other.

    Fan-farkin-tastic paragraph. This is the mentally I hope the MFC has in future.

  3. As much as I hate what is happening at the club, and as much as I will never ever accept performances like last night, I think that this year is one that we had to have.

    We needed a really poor season for everyone to wake up and realise that we need a new coach, that we need a change of attitude and leadership and that we have to be tough and trade those players who play like millionaires one week, but fail to turn up the next.

    Bruce, Green, TJ... they are all in the same boat because they are now our core senior players and yet none of them have reached the level that we expected them to reach.

    2003 was a shocking season, and yet if it wasn't for that miserable year, we never would have gotten Brock McLean.

    If we look back on 2007 and mark is as the year that we finally made some big tough decisions and managed to pick up a few good players in the draft, than we'll probably begin to forget the night we got smashed by the Tigers. But while it is happening, it's very hard to see the positive light at the end of the tunnel.

    Agreed. As long as the club does wake up, and makes the tough decisions, then this season will be bearable. If not, then its very hard to take an interest in this season.

  4. ok yes well perhaps he makes better decisions than other player, i have certainly noticed that players ARE kicking to unbalanced contests. Ok i see what you mean...quality of disposal in terms of where he kicks it. however his actually kick, very very poor. I would prefer cam kicking for goal.

  5. do some of you guys actually watch games.. Gods whilst no Judd has played quite well all year. His disposal is 100 times better than Bruces. Not pretty I grant you, but Gods has split the posts on the run from fity.. he puts the ball laces out to those that present. He doesnt play silly buggers with hospital handpasses. he hasnt always been as good as he is this year. But he's travelling Ok...not brilliant...but OK. A lot of others arent !!

    Godfrey disposal better than Bruce!? I disagree. Every time he gets the ball there is about a 70% chance it will be a ineffective disposal IMO. He sure as hell does not put the ball laces out!

  6. i was dissappointed with the boys constantly giving the ball to godfrey

    he cannot dispose of the ball, unless its to an opposition player, or into space where they will get it first

    TAG GODDERS TAG!!! dont get your own ball

    They gave it to him because he was the only one making play. There was no choice. Where was Bruce, Green and many, many others who SHOULD be making the play?

  7. The effort last night has inspired me to join this forum, such is my disillusion towards the MFC at the moment.

    I question the players we have let go in the past years in comparison to the players who have stayed on or have come on board.

    Interesting to note that players such as Simmonds, Jolly doing well for their respective clubs. We have Johnson and Jamar.

    Woewodin, sacked for an unknown reason (enlighten me!), while Yze can't be [censored] picking the ball off the ground.

    We don't go deep enough in the draft! We don't take the hardline approach that must be taken sometimes! We keep passengers like Yze only because he is a favourite among the Melbourne faithful and the coach. Football doesn't work like that. If someone is under-performing, they cannot stay. I only mention Woewodin, because arguably, he is in the same bracket as Yze. What makes Yze different from Woey? Neale seems to try to avoid being to reactionary during games (to his detriment IMO), and this filters down to list management. CHANGE IS GOOD! You must be proactive. Kids learn this is their high school commerce subjects!

    I've had a gut-full. Never have I felt this disillusioned towards the MFC. The club culture stinks. It's rubbish. I almost feel sorry for youngsters like Petterd who are not yet clouded by the MFC culture. How bleak! No wonder we're critised for being fair whether supporters. There is only so much hurt you can take. I must say however, I'm NOT a fair weather supported and NEVER WILL BE! The more you love the club the more it hurts. And I'm hurting.

    Enough of a rant. I'm only frustrated as I'm sure all you are. My main issue is the player turnover at our club. Love to hear your thoughts...

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