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Everything posted by titan_uranus

  1. I wasn't going to bother myself posting in this ridiculous and pointless thread until I read this: You idiot. By your logic Fremantle is clearly the worst club in the league, considering your healthy average of 0 premierships per year. And how could you possibly say we can't play when you dish up the supreme effort of 4 goals in a match in near-perfect conditions? Oh well. Now I've gone and wasted 5 minutes on a Fremantle supporter.
  2. Jeepers, the Saints and Dogs are having trouble aren't they? Preliminary finals, yet neither is at 30,000 yet. Meanwhile delusional Carlton supporters are signing up in droves. Tata Bang Goal makes a good point though: where'd you get this data from HT?
  3. I'm pretty certain, having seen him on Game Day on Sunday, that he isn't going to stay at Freo. And why would he? Anyone would understand him wanting to leave that basket-case to chase a flag. But it would cost us pick 1/2/whatever our first pick is, which wouldn't be worth it considering his age and required salary. If we were a year further advanced, then maybe.
  4. Cheney isn't injured. He didn't play on the weekend because he was the nominated game-day emergency (i.e. if there was a last minute need for a late change, Cheney was on standby). Where's Grimes? Is he fit now?
  5. Let's be realistic here. Predicted temperature on Sunday is 14. Showers also predicted. This match doesn't begin until 4.40pm. The opposition is Adelaide. The home team is Melbourne, who, despite having won their previous match, still don't draw high crowds to Sunday home matches. It will be sad, but I'm guessing 19,450.
  6. No you're not Jaded, I too almost cried when I saw McLaren come off the bench. I quite dislike the man. As for the Collingwood incident, I disagree with you. Both player and umpire were running to the next contest, both seemed to have their eyes on the ball, and as McLaren neared O'Bree, he reflexively raised his arm. The contact was negligible. Comparisons between this incident and Heath Shaw's are ridiculous: one was intentional, the other wasn't. I have no problem with the AFL taking no action. Yeah as per usual the umpiring was inconsistent. The free paid to Nathan Brown that gave them their second goal was atrocious.
  7. Saw it on One Week at a Time - they showed in full HD too! A most spirited and up-lifting moment. Pretty much the entire senior list was there, injured players in their suits, singing with gusto. The way Moloney belted it out just shows how much that man bleeds for this club. I love him.
  8. In: Maric Out: Green Give McDonald another week. No need to rush him back from a hammy at his age. Robbo's surely another week away at least. Don't know about Grimes or Wonaeamirri, but if they're close, then Bartram and Bate are getting shaky (I know Bate played well vs Port but it's one out of four so far). I also don't know about the fitness of Bennell and/or Jetta, and whether or not they need a rest to prevent them from burning out.
  9. Because it wasn't the right call from a senior player. He didn't realise how much time was still left, and even if it had been closer to half time, we don't have the necessary skill to attempt to play a short-kicking, possession-retaining game.
  10. Damn straight. So frustratingly slow when he's got the ball. But I think he's improving. The extra muscle may have helped.
  11. Agree re: Cotchin. He looks like a brilliant player in the making. Depending on the severity of these injuries he's been getting of course. I think you are referring to Robin Nahas. A rookie. Which says a lot about Richmond's senior list. Ha, so was I 45. So it's not just me... Yeah, but the point is we won. Against terrible opposition, we did what was required. Obviously we can't hang our hat on this win, and we'll have to improve considerably to contest against almost every other team (Freo being the exception) but at least we can be proud of the fact that we were able to play better football on the day.
  12. Oh the waxing and waning of Demonland members. One swallow does not make a summer. Let's make that clear. But it is undeniable that his effort in the second quarter was one of the main reasons we kicked 8 goals. He was given the responsibility by being moved on ball, and he responded. The task now for Sylvia is to do it more than once. And I'm not surprised that both papers had him best on ground. Journalists were probably more interested in Richmond and Wallace than Melbourne's players. Sylvia was easy to notice in the second quarter because of his two long goals and his overall dominance.
  13. I'd be very upset if this tactic was from the coaches box, because it's so incredibly clear that we don't have the skill required to chip the ball arounf for 5 minutes. But I'd suspect it was the 'senior' players who tried to do that (e.g. Bruce, Jones, Bartram, PJ who were all players I saw flapping their arms around at some point in the game). I hate the tactic, and as CB said above, most of the time we were in a prime position to attack, kick long, and maybe score.
  14. Yeah, my play of the day (nothing against Petterd's great effort) was seeing Frawley take the game on and sprint through the centre corridor with pace. That attack of half back is what we need.
  15. I was surprised that it reached 40,000. Before the game I didn't think it would get to 35,000. And we weren't outnumbered either. Good effort from both supporter groups I think.
  16. Certainly this is as good a form patch for Davey as I can remember.
  17. I loved Miller's game yesterday. Just what you need from a CHF. Strong marking, good leading, a physical presence, and 3 goals as well. Great effort.
  18. Bartram - runs all day (trying to find a positive for him) Bate - might get dropped Sylvia - about bloody time Bennell - a future star
  19. PJ may well get a fine even though it seemed like it was clearly the umpire's fault.
  20. Too late to be counted, but anyway: 6 - Davey 5 - Miller 4 - Sylvia 3 - Frawley 2 - Moloney 1 - Jones
  21. Maric had better be a late inclusion. PJ had better play a blinder.
  22. Be prepared for Watts to do virtually nothing. He'll probably get a half or less, and spend most of it working himself out. He's a smart kid, he'll know he doesn't need to kick a bag first up. More important that he prepares himself after a long lay-off.
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