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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Reckon Sparrow deserves a few more games, titan. I thought he showed more than the others you've mentioned. Has courage, a bit of pace about him and uses it well. For only his fourth game I think he shows some promise and is worth persisting with, even if he faded in the second half. Agree with the rest. Good win, but we can't read much into beating up on a side that is now 0-10.
  2. I don't know what to make of this game. We all said it had to be an 8 goal win, which is exactly what we did. But by God, did we stink it up for three quarters before we turned it on big time at the end. However, what we can't overlook is the fact that we beat up a very young side that hasn't won a game all season. If this was a Richmond, then you would be fist pumping. As it's Adelaide, it's more a sigh of relief. Oliver, Viney and Trac all stood up for us when we needed it most. In that last term when we would have been a bit nervous and the confidence still dodgy, they worked their backsides off to kill off the contest and get us over the line. And a special mention to Gus for his second half - where has that been? He was terrific and looked better than he has all season. But if those mids won it, then it was our backline that kept us in it during the first three quarters. May was fantastic and is showing exactly why we wanted to get him to the club. He made Walker look like a joke, he spoiled and took contested marks and backed up all the boys with some real aggression. Keeping them to five goals, and 1 in the second half, is a great effort even though it was against the bottom side. You still have to do it. We still have problems. Skills and decision making is a worry, as always, and we still have a few passengers. ANB and AVB gave us little, while outside of a class goal, Bennell couldn't get near it. We got smashed around the clearances in the first half and we are lucky we had our backline to save us. Umpiring was the worst I've ever seen, too. Just atrocious. But you know what? We are 4-5, which is almost hard to believe. Win this weekend and we are 5-5 with a game in hand, which is almost incredible. Enjoy the win and lets smash the Kangas on Sunday! P.S - Plus we need to persist with Weid and Jackson. Five goals, plenty of contests and some class from Jacko as well. They make a good combo!
  3. I think it's safe to say we are now premiership favourites.
  4. Not sure how many of you saw this, but Crocker got stuck into Lockhart on our forward flank and was giving him stick. May saunters over, tells Crocker to get knicked and then gets in Lockhart's ear with some encouragement. Great leadership.
  5. Also, I want to know the name of the supporter who is always near the microphone at the Adelaide Oval. I love him and he clearly gets stuck into the Crows fans as well.
  6. Derm is spot on. Jackson did very well there. We have to persist with both he and Weid from here.
  7. C'mon Clarry. Please, for the love of God, kick it.
  8. Bugger it. I'm backing us in. Dees by 20 points.
  9. He was quieter that term, but I like what I've seen. Brave, has some zip, neat user of the footy. He has a future.
  10. How can they pay that, when May gets smashed with the umpire watching on and they don't give him anything? Just beggars belief.
  11. Nice play from Lockhart. Smart decision to come back inside
  12. Needs to be smart and run it out in that situation.
  13. Lever has his arms chopped - no free. Crows player ducks - free. [censored] off.
  14. If ANB is getting suspended, tell him to over and belt that little sniper McHenry. Has been going at Gawn all game.
  15. Off topic considering the tone of the thread, but thoughts on Sparrow to half time? Thought he's looked alright and has a bit of dash about him. I think he is worth persisting with going forward.
  16. True, but at least I won't have to watch that [censored] Ben Brown do it. I couldn't handle that.
  17. I think most on here could play the role Gus is playing right now. I'd be a chance of getting four touches to half time.
  18. I'm not happy to see any Melbourne player fail. However, the bloke looks very, very timid tonight. He needs to lift the urgency and contribute more.
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