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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. 5 frees to 2 early. Razor plucking them from nowhere.
  2. We will still win this quarter. You heard it here first.
  3. Dogs have kicked the first two. Not worried in the slightest. After the smashing they took over the last week they were always going to have an early dip.
  4. Eddie commentating again means he'll be barracking for the Bulldogs. Thankfully Garry is in there to even things up.
  5. True, but a golden injury run can force players to look elsewhere. Dom may see the writing on the wall and ask for a trade if an attractive offer comes his way. He is signed until the end of next year so he will probably see his contract out, but while he is very good for our depth we can't expect a bloke with plenty of footy left in him to hang around waiting for a chance.
  6. The one major thing in our favour today is the ruck. Gawn should feast on the carcass of Tom Boyd all day long and give us first use. Their forward line has also been a major issue and our backline couldn't be in better form. All signs point to a big win, but at the same time we aren't going to win every game by a big margin. I'd take a very solid 6 goal win with no injuries every day of the week.
  7. That's great. Some would agree, others would call him a troll. I fall in the latter. And him 'bleeding red & blue' might make him a better supporter than you, but it doesn't make him better than the rest.
  8. Bolton is an absolute genius. He has created a brand of footy that, most weeks, is able to pull down the opposition to their rubbish level. They flood back, tackle hard and do anything to play boring, drab footy that might help them get a result. Swans are playing right into their trap at the minute.
  9. No one is a better supporter than anyone else. We all contribute in our own ways, whether that be through attendance, membership, posting here or wearing your gear into work on a Monday win, lose or draw. While I don't agree with some posters on here, that doesn't mean I would consider them any less of a supporter than me or anyone else.
  10. I'm with you on that one. We're not going to win big every single week, but I do think we should be able to dictate the play in this one and put them away when it matters. We aren't going to kick the first 5 or win by 90 points. I'll just take another good, solid win that has us at 8-3 going in to Queen's Birthday.
  11. The comments in this thread, as well as the Goodwin thread, show how scarred some fans are. It annoys me, but at the same time I slightly understand where they are coming from. The last month shows how we need to be patient - a couple of bad losses and we had some supporters, who now look rather stupid, questioning everything as if the club was caving in. Now look at us. Just goes to show that we don't need to be negative about every decision made and be able to see the long term view, not just the short term.
  12. Kind of reaffirms my stance on his article - Jay Clark is connecting dots that simply aren't there yet. All the chatter has been about us having the room and that we've looked long term for some time now to ensure we have the space to sign our players and add others. Seems like he's seen one Brayshaw at the Eagles, looked at the potential of Gaff leaving with Melbourne being interested and gone from there. Nothing in it.
  13. That's probably not far from what our match day threads looked like in 2013.
  14. I reckon you're not far from the mark, dean. It means Tyson and Garlett are guaranteed to get more game time, the same goes for Hunt. They might make Bugg and Pedo the carry over emergencies as they've played more footy over the past month or so.
  15. My favourite is when Tingay puts us further in front against the Eagles and does a little fist pump: 'Big kick this one... I think he's got it... Melbourne, increase their lead' So many good quotes from that tape!
  16. You're absolutely right! I doubt we've had that happen very much in the last 20 years. It's fantastic continuity for the side.
  17. Yep. The link they make with the Eagles is the fact one of his brothers plays there. It's thin at best.
  18. For those that might not be able to read it - that article is a joke. Nowhere does it actually say that the Eagles are interested in Gus, more that it wonders if the Eagles will chase him as 'revenge' for us chasing Gaff. There is absolutely nothing to suggest he wants out, no quotes from managers or coaches or anything resembling something new. It's a headline purely for there for clicks.
  19. I wonder when the last time was that we went in unchanged two weeks in a row? Good move from the club, though. When you win by a combined 200 points in a fortnight it's pretty hard to drop someone.
  20. @Lucifer's Hero. I think she was trying to be kind. No doubting it now!
  21. That's what you get when your whole recruiting strategy is based around poaching GWS rejects. Their pathetic performances haven't stopped the media from trying to talk them up at every turn as well. If we were in their position they would be taking great enjoyment out of smashing us.
  22. I was behind the goals that day too! I remember as we headed out hearing the chatter about Neitz having broken his ankle - obviously he had been stretchered off, but this was prior to the internet days so nobody knew exactly what had happened. I was shattered to hear that as he had been in such good form, and the tandem he had created with Lyon and the Ox, with the Wiz at their feet, had already clicked and was creating havoc for the opposition defence.
  23. I really like Roo being part of the media this year. His thoughts are always well measured and insightful without needing to make over the top and sensationalist comments. As many have said, our form is good, our confidence is high and we are putting it all together on the field. Obviously we aren't going to win every game for the rest of the year, but I am going in to each game with a belief that we can win, and even if we do get knocked off I believe that our game plan and the talent we have is enough for us to bounce back very quickly.
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