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Everything posted by SFebes

  1. I think I'll support the club how I like and everyone else can do the same. There isn't anyone on this forum who does not support or love the club. For me, over 30 years of paying memberships, constant donations during down times, voluntary work during mid 000's, travelling to every away game interstate which is expensive (until this year). For anyone who questions my support can get stuffed and I certainly wouldn't question anyone else's. Its a football "forum" FFS, not a lovey dovey fan boy page. I will continue to call it as I see it, both good and bad, just as I will continue to support this club until the day I die. Oh and seeing some of my posts were quoted from the Goodwin thread, I called it as I saw it, and it's hard to argue with most of those things "at the time." It certainly didn't stop me attending games and cheering on the boys, just like others who posted in that thread. Weird post TBH. Oh and this post: "Goodwin is coaching a side that is mentally weak, has poor leaders, has no defence, fails repeatedly in big games, finds new stupid ways to lose games we should win, has one manic style game plan with no ability to stop other teams scoring when it matters." Most of it was actually true. Oh and don't forget to counter it with the positive posts where I finally gave Goodwin some credit about changing and am happy for the club to bring in experienced assistants to help him next year. As for support, watch the Dees fans come out in droves for our finals, after what this club has put us all through, I respect the fact that they all keep coming back.
  2. The spring in his step and leap plus his aerial marking ability reminds me of Jarrad Waite, fingers crossed he turns into a similar talented player
  3. They didn't have any money left to celebrate
  4. The club let Jack down, then Jack let the club and himself down, we have now moved on to bigger and better things, all the best to Jack but we have flags to win.
  5. I'm critical of our older players and leaders, to his credit (Jones) he stood up well in the last 10mins after only having 4 kicks to half time from memory. What he did in the last 10 mins though is what should be expected of him each time we play the better teams, after all he is the captain. I thought he was quite poor before that but he needed to step up and did, so too Lewis. Jones' season has been sliding all year and hopefully he gets a chance to hold up the cup in appreciation of his loyalty. Still IMO an average player and poor leader but I'll be cheering him on in the next 6 weeks.
  6. I told you pre-game they were bad. By far the worst supporters in the league IMO. They boo the siren, their own players, umpires....have never heard anything like it before.
  7. How the MRO can judge force is beyond me. Do they judge by a replay? lol. Always has been a farce.
  8. Not to forget Watts has been in the game longer and has 10 years more experience too.
  9. Fair call mate, sorry about that.
  10. TBH I don't believe any of them and if he was just going in to hear the proposed rule changes as a general fan, then why can't everyone else?
  11. He's running at 63.8% DE for an outside runner, which isn't good enough IMO.
  12. It's interesting. I'm no fan of Waleed however I think the joke is more on the AFL than him, which is the point. The AFL are desperate, they created this mess yet they are consulting every man and his dog on proposed rule changes. There has been a football fan forum and group set up which had a meeting in June I attended, the session did not go for long enough and proposed ideas from this were apparently laughed at by the AFL. The joke of it is the AFL and Gil himself, not Waleed Aly, who I don't think should have been approached anyway.
  13. Don't know where to put it, so will just add here.
  14. Gawn can rest in the bye before the finals, like all our other players.
  15. Backpedaling, I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of his mouth nor the AFLs.
  16. Yeah probably is, I wasn't there as I said but a few posters had this opinion last week. Unfortunately I think Buggys papers are stamped, he's been in the best and most prolific at Casey for some time now. He provides something different, if only he could kick straight his record would be pretty good.
  17. Oliver, Gawn, Hogan, Jetta, TMAC have all made it before haven't they?
  18. Maybe Gil the Dil wants an opinion on how to make game look good from a TV perspective.....
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